interesting developments
for European database they are asking twice the price of US subscription
I can't speak for the USA or Europe, but for Southern Africa the only other alternative is getting my data from
the crowd that brought us the 737-Max.
Their data for my Dynon HDX equipped Jabiru J430 is dissapointing and expensive. The Airmate subscription for
Africa is 99 Euro which is much cheaper and so far seems to offer better coverage and includes the published plates
and procedures for most of Africa.
In South Africa, however, we ran out of the Mandelas, and the current Regime is too busy enriching themselves to
properly maintain and calibrate previously installed ILS and VOR so, apparently, recently, some SA ground based
Nav Aids were condemned and suspended following an ICAO inspection. One of the VOR's that went off the air
is RIV (Robben Island VOR - that's where Mandela was jailed). It's just a few miles from my home. The unwarry
remain complacent, because there are now many locations in South Africa and the rest of Africa where there are
available normally reliable GNSS VLAN procedures, however, there are no reasonably affordable GNSS for smaller
and non type certified aircraft, and even for the bigger guys GPS constellations can be switched off instantly by a
flick of a switch during conflict, or, deliberately downgraded and made less accurate.