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  1. A

    D-100 compass rose vibration

    I had the same problem, before i update from 5.1 to 5.1.1. Pushing the cockpit or unit don´t help,- Now, after the patch, everything work fine. Greetings, Jay 8-)
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    Problems after Update 5.1

    Hi ! I´m back from vacation and first thing i do is try the patch from 5.1 to 5.1.1. No problems during update, aaaaand the winner is: MY EFIS ! ;D Everything now is fine. No crazy curving and so on with my horizont. It works perfectly now. Thats why i buy Dynon. Thank you for the fast patch...
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    Problems after Update 5.1

    It heards the same on my Dny 100. Today i have my second flight with the update. Test all settings and found more mistakes: Clock lost settings after every start, crazy Horizon-Displays, and slow leveling to "normal" Flights... >:( Horizon wobble like a dog´s tail from left to right! First...
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    Problems after Update 5.1

    Hi ! Today i upgrade my D100 to 5.1. Everything is fine, but it lost all configurations (bugs, speeds etc.) , without the lists. And the strangest thing: Now my horizon going crazy ! During straight level flight he slip to left or right, sometimes it shows me an 90 degrees-curve for 2 minutes...