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  1. T

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Bob Bogash, Just for the record. When I originally had the map screen problem I called Tech Support. The answer they gave me then is different than the responses they posted on this Forum. The reason I called them 9 times in one day was to see if I could speak to someone,anyone, and get an...
  2. T

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    You write:- "It's not the product that's overpriced.  The maps are great, and I like the georeferenced approach plates, etc. It's the *delivery system* that sucks.  It's unintuitive, clunky, fails a more-than-reasonable portion of the time (which necessitates a burdensome "fix" process of...
  3. T

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    I cancelled my $100 annual subscription to SA in favor of Foreflight ($75) and Dynon synthetic vision ($25). With the wifi adapter I can use my iPad at home to review weather, notams, TFRS etc, plan the flight and then transfer it to Skyview in the cockpit. I have all the charts in a relatively...
  4. T

    Red Background on Map

    Dynon Tech Support, Can you clarify if the 'red screen issue' discussed here is:- - a 'software glitch' by Dynon that will be addressed in the next SV update? - an unusual action by military etc which causes our SkyViews to display as if we'e in a huge TFR? In which case is the correct...