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  1. S

    RPM Display

    Great info. One last question. Is it possible to have a widget, say dial shaped and another similar one but 25% smaller. Take the smaller one and lay it directly inside the other one? Or do the widgets block anything behind the white selection square?
  2. S

    RPM Display

    Thanks, I'm close to pulling the trigger on this unit. I just don't want to get it and not work like I need it to. Could I have two rpm gauges for the same sensor. For example, I set the 590 like you said to read 100 percent at 590 say in a dial gauge. Then next to it I have a bar gauge...
  3. S

    RPM Display

    Can the Skyview also display the RPM's in percenatge ? For example, The 100% rotor value is 590 rpm's. Can it display both on an indicator? Any screenshots of this?
  4. S

    RPM Sensors

    What is the max voltage the input can take for this type of sensor?
  5. S

    RPM Sensors

    On the Turbine XET helicopter, they are using these proximity sensors for rotor and engine RPM.  The rotor is 4 pulses per revolution and the engine is 2 pulses per revolution.  Can I configure these to work with the skyview...
  6. S

    Vertical Power / Skyview in a Helicopter

    I am sold on the Dynon for my project but my concern is the layouts. Is it possible to create a screen like this with helicopter style (opposed and matched at 100%) RPM gauges along with percentages? 
  7. S

    Vertical Power / Skyview in a Helicopter

    I am also building a Turbine powered mosquito helicopter. They are currently using the MGL Enigma.  I will need some help with some of the sensors. I know the engine RPM ins using a gear type and the rotor uses a magnet with a pickup.  I am interested in installing the Skyview 7" with the...