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  1. O

    Lost roll servo

    HOORAY, today I got in a flight of about 25 minuites and the autopilot worked near perfect, it never fell off line or got any warnings and flew the Rans S7S guite well in light turbulance. I readjusted the EDC-D10A and moved a couple of wires and one of which so far has taken care of the...
  2. O

    Lost roll servo

    Yes,they run close to other wires. I did twist them. Ollie
  3. O

    Lost roll servo

    Setting still in the hanger it works perfect, but when I start up and taxi it will sometimes loose the servo or DASB. Ollie
  4. O

    Lost roll servo

    I just installed the roll and pitch servos in my Rans S7S and the results are good and not so good. We flew an hour each way to breakfast this morning and the altitude hold worked fine, but the roll would only stay connected for a couple of minutes and would show ERR and then orange line wold...
  5. O

    Servo disappears

    I have d-100,2 1/2 yrs old&488 hrs ,AP74-new, SV42 servo with capstain drive-new. Flew out to lunch today and everything seemed to be working before startup. Started engine,turned on avionics master and then turned on servo sw, wired as shown on diagram. Started to taxi and red line came...
  6. O

    Servo disappears

    Finished installing a capstain roll servo hooked to the rudder pedals of my Rans S7S. Every thing appears to be working ok. After I start the engine I turn the avionics master on and turn on power to servo,autopilot not engaged, and after about 30 sec I get err message and servo drops...