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  1. L

    Antenna separation

    Ok I get it, I am using Dynon com and transponder so I will work on getting 3 feet of separation.
  2. L

    Antenna separation

    Sky view install manual gives conflicting info on spacing between com and transponder antennas. Page 16-16 (com install) says minimum 1 foot and page 11-12 (transponder install) says minimum 3 feet. Building rv3 so hard to get a lot of separation. Which one is really correct?
  3. L

    Airspeed calibration

    My units are correct, OAT is accurate, compas is pretty good, certainly within 3 or 4 degrees in any heading. The dynon TAS is even higher than the IAS which is higher than the GPS ground speed. I live in Florida and the same relationship holds up even when real close to sea level. I suspect...
  4. L

    Airspeed calibration

    I have a d180 and never have been able to get the airspeed and gps speed to match. I have flown many calibration circuits and gps is always 3 to 5 kts slower. Also the wind vector arrow almost always shows more headwind than actual. For example if it is showing 10 kt headwind and I reverse...
  5. L

    Lost nav source error

    I have installed soft ware version 5.4 on my flight deck 180 and get frequent random "lost nav source" error messages. I am using a gamin 396 with the latest software version.  Anybody have a solution?