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  1. P

    HDX crashed performing inflight compass calibratio

    Hi, I have installed 2 10" HDX screen system with single ADAHRS and remote MAG 236. I was able to perform the on the  ground compass calibration. After 5 flight hours I was able to perform the in-flight one but right after pushing the button to enter the compass calibration that screen froze up...
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    Video Camera to Video Adapter

    I used the one in the back
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    Video Camera to Video Adapter

    HI, I just upgraded from D100 and D120 to 2 Skyview 10 HDX displays and since I had a small camera installed with its own screen I removed it and I connect it to the video adapter via the composite connector. I setup the input to composite but it doesn't work. I tried to cycle from Pal to NTSC...
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    Hi, I gave it back to the customer since we are the Company that was supposed to install it. It is a 200 version but I don't have the S/N right now. He was about to send it back to the italian dealer since he bought it from them. Thanks.
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    Roll with the ADAHRS facing the opposite way....
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    Roll...with the ADAHRS installed as it should be
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    And this is the roll with the AHRS set opposite to the front and in fact the heading is approximately 180 degrees wrong
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    This is the roll....
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    In this picture I am pitching down the screen together with the AHRS and as you can see it is showing I am climbing....same with roll.....
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    ADAHRS 200 inverted

    Hi, I am about to install the Skyview on my airplane and I am playing with all my system on my desk in order to understand better what to do. I found out that putting the ADAHRS facing front as specified on the manual the heading is correct but rolling it left or right and pitching it up or...
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    D100 PC communication issue

    OK, I try....thanks
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    D100 PC communication issue

    Hi, I tried to connect my D100 to my PC as I did many times to retrieve logged data but I didn't succeded. I also tried to determine the firmware version but same issue. The screen on the D100 turns yellow as usual but it stays like that untill, after few minutes, it disconnets and I get on the...
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    EGT reading -95 °Celsius

    I will check, the strange thing is that when I start the engine the 2 temperature indications indicate around 450 degrees and they change when the RPM change.
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    EGT reading -95 °Celsius

    Hi, my name is Andrea and since a couple of weeks the 2 EGT indications are reading -95 °C when I switch my EMS 120 ON with the engine Rotax 912 ULS still OFF. As soon as I start up the engine they goes higher but never indicates a value that makes sense with the engine speed. It was always...
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    EFIS D100 and Garmin GTX320A

    I have just bought a Dynon D100 and a Garmin GTX 320A. I would like to know if I need any other device to connect them in order to have an altitude encoder output or I can just use the Dynon harness to connect the two devices. Thanks