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  1. J

    Manifold Pressure Sensor Accuracy

    Altimeter setting at the airport yesterday was 29.80 and the field altitude is about 500 feet. Based on this I would expect the manifold pressure sensor to read 29.3 but it actually reported 29.9 with the engine off. Is this within the expected accuracy of the MAP sensor?
  2. J

    Autopilot Straight & Level Button

    Should the straight and level button be a momentary contact switch or push-on, push-off type?
  3. J

    SL 40 to Skyview

    That is fantastic. Thanks for keeping the customers with SL-30/40 radios in mind as you are developing the Dynon radio line.
  4. J

    SL 40 to Skyview

    Now that the Dynon radio has been announced will frequency output to the SL30/SL40 be supported in SV 6.0?