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  1. I

    Pitch Attitude unstable.

    Q1. No, it is a recent development, however the pitch has always been oversenitive in turbulence. Q2. The ADAHRS are mounted within the recommended installation envelope just forward of the second bulkhead behind the baggage compartment, this position is approximately 4 ' aft of the centre of...
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    Pitch Attitude unstable.

    The aircraft is a RV7, I will collect some video for you....a picture paints a 1000 words as the cliche goes.
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    Pitch Attitude unstable.

    I should have clarified this before, this occurs in smooth and stable conditions with attitude set visually. It is clear that the changes in pitch are erroneous, I thought I had a problem with an ADAHRS unit, what is strange though is when I tried to isolate which unit by changing the primary...
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    Pitch Attitude unstable.

    I have a dual SV700 system. In level flight I am getting intermittently variations of +-2 deg. This happens on both PFD's similtanously when in compare mode. It also happens on both ADAHRS when in single mode. Attitude in roll is rock solid ?
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    Pin 1 D37 EMS 220

    Thank you.   :)
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    Pin 1 D37 EMS 220

    I have a Vertical Power VPX system and a dual SV700, I want to know where would be the best pick up point for Pin 1 on the EMS D37, I am thinking that the main supply terminal on the VPX , or would the switched side of the Master Relay be better? I am a little confused with this Pin because...