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  1. I

    Pitot guts

    Yep, made sure the pitot and AoA lines go to the right places. It was an early--and futile--hope that the problem was simple human error. It may still be human error, but not a simple one. Let me know about the common cavity vent. I will still work on the static source assumption.
  2. I

    Pitot guts

    Okey doke, I understand the intentional internal leak--but the common cavity is not vented on my unit.  If I seal 3 out of 4 ends of the tubes and apply pressure the unit will hold pressure all day.  If required I can drill a little vent hole wherever I am advised to do so. FYI, I got the unit...
  3. I

    Pitot guts

    Apologies if this has been covered previously. Question: Do the pitot and AOA lines in the Dynon pitot unit connect internally?  Phrased another way--should there be cross flow between the pitot and AOA lines? I don't know how the Dynon AOA system works, so it may be a normal or correct...
  4. I

    Revisiting oil temp sensor

    Having looked over the previous oil temp sensor posts, I have to revisit the topic.  Sorry. I have suspiciously high oil temps on a Rotax 912 ULS, which is called out to use sensor setting #4.  This setting yields a reading of 222 when tested in boiling water, which on test day was metered at...