Apologies if this has been covered previously.
Question: Do the pitot and AOA lines in the Dynon pitot unit connect internally? Phrased another way--should there be cross flow between the pitot and AOA lines?
I don't know how the Dynon AOA system works, so it may be a normal or correct circumstance that in my pitot boom there is cross flow/leakage between the two lines. I.e. if I block the two tubes on the back end of the boom and blow air into the pitot port, it immediately comes out the AOA port.
This is all pursuant to chasing down an incorrect air speed problem. The static side of the system held manometer pressure with no problem, but when I tried to pressurize the pitot side the water column just bounced for a second and equalized immediately. I then found that the air was going in the pitot port and coming right out the AOA port.
Thanks for your input--
Question: Do the pitot and AOA lines in the Dynon pitot unit connect internally? Phrased another way--should there be cross flow between the pitot and AOA lines?
I don't know how the Dynon AOA system works, so it may be a normal or correct circumstance that in my pitot boom there is cross flow/leakage between the two lines. I.e. if I block the two tubes on the back end of the boom and blow air into the pitot port, it immediately comes out the AOA port.
This is all pursuant to chasing down an incorrect air speed problem. The static side of the system held manometer pressure with no problem, but when I tried to pressurize the pitot side the water column just bounced for a second and equalized immediately. I then found that the air was going in the pitot port and coming right out the AOA port.
Thanks for your input--