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  1. S

    Keep alive current too high

    Sorry about that! No, I do not have an internal battery. Thanks --- Lynn
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    Keep alive current too high

    dynon, Thanks for the reply about the keep alive current. What you said makes sense. However --- now I am confused. Today I checked the current to see if if went down after 2 minutes. I got a completely different result today. It does not agree with what I had previously observed or what you...
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    Keep alive current too high

    I have discovered that my keep alive current on my D100 is running about 200ma. I had a 1amp fuse in line and it had blown. To see why, I checked the current and discovered it at a steady 200ma(still does not explain the 1amp fuse blowing). Next I found that if I disconnected and reconnected the...
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    GPS time

    Thanks for your help. I am glad I did not pull out the keep alive wire. It is no big deal to set the time. Looks like I am in business. Thanks --- Lynn
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    GPS time

    Thanks for your help on getting the graycode to both my xpndr and to my GNC250XL GPS. That part is working well. All the GPS data seems to be coming over for the HSI so I seem to be communicating with the GPS well. The only thing that does not work is the Sync to GPS Time. I still have the...
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    Serial altitude into Garmin GNC250XL

    I want to put the serial altitude from my D100 into my Garmin GNC250XL GPS. I am also running the Dynon Serial to Graycode converter into my KT76A xponder. It looks like output format 1 is the only format the Dynon converter will take. Will that be compatible with my Garmin GNC250XL. If it is...