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  1. 2

    Problem HS 34 and Flymap L , Stauff Systec German

    Re: Problem HS 34 and Flymap L , Stauff Systec Ger Hello Good Morning Dynon, no it indicates to me only the interrupted Magenta needle. With the digital announcements I have only one value at the SPD and CRS. The TRK always stands at 360 °. The GPS shows every time if is switched on the...
  2. 2

    Problem HS 34 and Flymap L , Stauff Systec German

    Re: Problem HS 34 and Flymap L , Stauff Systec Ger Hello Dynon Team first time thank you for the rapid answer. The GPS indicate of the EFIS D100 and/or HS 34 looks as follows out: And that is the problem.   :'( I don´t now how can i get the GPS needle also the magenta (VOR ?) needle. The...
  3. 2

    Problem HS 34 and Flymap L , Stauff Systec German

    Hello Dynon - Team, I have a small problem with the HS 34 in my REMOS G3/600. :'( I use from Stauff Systec from Germany a GPS navigation with the name Flymap L. Have you any experience with these GPS regarding the HS 34! Greetings Ritchie
  4. 2

    REMOS G3 Flaps and Trimm on teh EMS 120

    Hello Dynon Team, I fly a REMOS G3 600 and inside with an EFIS 100 also EMS 120. I would like now indicate the landing flaps and the pitch trim on the EMS 120. We would like now to able the signal from the announcement from the Airplane to lock on EMS 120 Have You an idea like to function...