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  1. P

    % of power set up

    Tks Dynon for your prompt sevice-I ran thru the set up on my Garmin GPS296 to "connect across" to the D120 EMS and it now works a treat giving me a percent power reading and also resetting the clock to the correct UTC time.Great!! :D
  2. P

    % of power set up

    Tks Dynon Support - I will try it this coming weekend and advise.
  3. P

    % of power set up

    Re: % of power not indicating I too have a D120 EMS,with a Lycoming 180 HP, FP prop-there is no indication of power percentage reading next to the "%" sign. Could you just confirm what settings I have to have set in the Dynon to obtain an actual percent reading?? I am getting readings for MP...