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  1. B

    EDC-D10A  wireing

    Re: EDC-D10A  wireing I am referring to the Run Rt Limit to "0" as discussed shown below form another thread. I have done the latest up date. But I can't set my to "0", the lowest it goes is .5. Dynon Technical Support Posts: 5642 Re: roll servo-divergent oscillation Reply #1 -...
  2. B

    EDC-D10A  wireing

    Re: EDC-D10A  wireing Yes, I do have the D10 EMS unit, but isn't the OAT probe connected to the EFIS? At least thats where I get my OAT reading? So would I need to add the 3 wire OAT and connect it to the EDC-D10A? For the life of me I can't locate the installation paper work I received...
  3. B

    EDC-D10A  wireing

    Re: EDC-D10A  wireing So do I need to add the 3 wire OAT probe?
  4. B

    EDC-D10A  wireing

    Hell-o Bill here. I'm looking for a way that I can check to see if I have my EDC-D10A wired up correctly. It is not recognized by my EFIS yet. I thinking that I might have switched the wires on the DB9 pin. Is there a voltage test or resistance test I could do on the plug when I pull if...