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  1. M

    USB to Serial cable

    I am a owner not builder with a 180 and 10 installed and wishing to update the firmware for the first time. Are there better cables to buy that have less issues. I found one at Staples and another at Radio Shack. I will be using a Dell laptop with Windows Vista. I have read some have issues with...
  2. M

    Flight DEK D-180 airspeed failure

    Another question, after I remove the pitot line from the back and cover do I need to press something? If I just plug the hole the IAS should not change correct? The altitude on both the D-180 and the D-10a work normally. I have noticed that the D-10a IAS appears to be indicating about 10-15...
  3. M

    Flight DEK D-180 airspeed failure

    I have a D-180 and D-10a installed in my recently purchased RV-8. When flying the other day after about 45 minutes of flying and following a touch and go I looked at the D-180 and the airspeed was 000. The D-10a airspeed seemed to be working fine. Not sure exactly where to start troubleshooting...