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  1. mmarien

    Customization PDF

    The Skyview Engine page is can be highly customized. The PDF not so much. I can understand that deviating from a standard format might be disorienting to pilots. However, the tape style gauges on a glass panel are distinctly different than the standard six pack. You can find lots of discussion...
  2. mmarien

    Re: Audible Obstacle Alerts

    I like the audio warnings. It lets me keep my eyes outside the plane. Having said that, the obstacle warning would have to be easy to shut off. I can see it would be distracting flying the Hudson. I shut off the audio terrain warning from my GPS when I'm flying in the mountains.
  3. mmarien

    Resolution of Gauge Values

    The settings file has the same settings for the resistive and capacitive fuel level sensors. resolution=0 round=1 Yet the smaller tank shows the fuel level in 1/10's of a litre while the larger tank shows to the nearest litre. Is there a way to set the resolution of the value for...
  4. mmarien

    Two Flap Widgets

    Is it possible to have two flap widgets? Yeah, I know both flaps should be the same. Was thinking the flap widget would be handy for the cowl flaps. I can probably use a contact. It would show 0% 25% ... 100%. A bar widget is not so handy as it would just show the voltage of the position sensor...
  5. mmarien

    Shipping to Canada

    It would be nice if you could ship USPS to Canada. I was charged $100 brokerage fees by UPS on a $1000 purchase. That is an extra 10%. If you ship by USPS I get charged less than $10 by Canada Post to handle the customs duties. Aveo, VANS and Allen's Fasteners all shipped by USPS Priority Mail...
  6. mmarien

    Possible HSI Source Bug

    I just received my Skyview back from repairs. The settings were intact. On the first flight I had no HSI SRC's. I only have two. A GPS495 and the Dynon GPS. The only options in AP were HDG and TRK. The NAV was greyed out. No sources were showed on the PFD and I couldn't change the HSI SRC from...
  7. mmarien

    New Web Site

    Just noticed your new web site. Very Impressive. I like the new design. :) :)
  8. mmarien

    VP-X Starter Switch Problem

    I posted this on the VP forum but repeat it here as it could be a Skyview problem. I have my starter switch wired to VP-X Pro J10-1 pin so that the starter button lights up when the starter switch is active. There are a few articles showing this, one on this forum I believe. This is not the...
  9. mmarien

    AP pitching up in rough air

    My AP seems to work just fine in smooth air. But in rough air, once in a while the AP will pitch up and try and climb way beyond the altitude bug. It seems to happen a couple hours into the flight so I was thinking it may be happening if the servo is getting hot from use. A couple of days ago it...
  10. mmarien

    de facto standard avionics suite

    From Mike Busch's AOPA monthly column: Just guessing, but from the article, if EAA/Dynon get the Skyview STC'd it's may be in Mike's plane tout de suite. ;) ;)
  11. mmarien

    iPad Pro plus SV WIFI

    Has anyone looked at the new 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Add SV WIFI and a subscription to Foreflight and you have a second (larger) PFD run from Skyview's ADAHRS. Mount it in the back or on the right and let your copilot do the navigating using flight plan transfer. ;)
  12. mmarien

    Input Panel

    It's nice to have physical knobs dedicated to a task like the SV-KNOB-PANEL and SV-AP-PANEL for things that get constant use. On the other hand they take up a lot of sometimes scarce panel space. We've all become accustom to the touch screen that we have on our smart phones. It would be nice to...
  13. mmarien

    Engine page layout measurements

    I'm working on some software to help with the design of the engine page layout. Can I get a some information about the measurements and scale used in the DFG file. Skyview 10" unit used in DFG file =  how many pixels Skyview 7" unit used in DFG file =  how many pixels Also where the bars start...
  14. mmarien

    TCW Backup Battery

    Is anyone using the TCW backup battery (IBBS-12v-4ah)? I was wondering if I can just connect the TCW Master Switch to my Master switch so the backup battery comes on with the Master. What benefit is there to have a separate switch to turn on the backup battery? The operation seems automatic as...
  15. mmarien

    New Sportsman Panel

    Does anyone have the dimensions for the inserts for the new sportsman panel. A friend bought it for his GlaStar and we were going to have the inserts CNC cut. An AutoCAD drawing would be great but any digital format will work if someone had that. Otherwise dimensions would work. Just looking for...
  16. mmarien

    Radio Transmissions affecting Altitude

    This is an old problem but time to fix it. When I transmit on my radio the altitude rolls up and the fuel level goes down. It's not a problem normally but when on AP and altitude hold, the plane takes a dive trying to maintain altitude when I transmit. I've upgraded from an iCOM A210 to a...
  17. mmarien

    Problem with new terrain database

    I loaded the new 11.0 software, the recent PocketFMS aviation and obstacle databases, The new sensor definitions and both low resolution terrain databases. I left the reg-02-north-america-2014-08-05.dup database to the last. I didn't watch the first time it loaded but after about two hours it...
  18. mmarien

    New Skyview Colors

    The text doesn't take on the new colors for the EMS widgets. Are yellow and red the only colors that do this? The CHT are in the blue range as is the AFR.
  19. mmarien

    Sensor Spikes in USER LOGS

    Some of the sensors have fairly smooth graphs in the USER LOGS. I have a few that have spikes. Is there a way to smooth out the spikes with the sensor definition? The AFR is my own design, but the RPM sounds a lot smoother than it looks in the USER LOGS. The second graph is a five minute section...
  20. mmarien

    Track Line Options

    The track line prediction marks is a nice feature but when I set the mode to OFF it magically appears the next time I turn on SV. I haven't tried any of the other modes to see if they are permanent. Is there a way to set the default?