Search results

  1. C

    Recommended CB size for ADSB-470/472

    Hkw big of a CB should I use for tbis? Could I use the same (3 Amp) one the SV-XPNDR-261 Transponder calls for?
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    Garmin GNC215 vs Trig TX 56?

    I am redoing the panel in my aircraft, from old steam gauges to a full Dynon Suite based on Skyview HDX, and I want to include a second COM/NAV radio (in addition to the Dynon Transceiver). I have done some research, but I would like to hear other's opinions about whether I should go with the...
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    New Garmin GNC 215

    Will the new Garmin GNC 215 COM/NAV receiver integrate with Skyview? Will it use the SL30 protocol over one of the serial ports like the SL30 did or the Trig TX-56A? I was considering putting a Trig TX-56A in my plane ( with Skyview HDX AND SV-COM panel and SV-INTERCOM-2S panel), but the Garmin...
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    ARINC-429 Offline

    I have been trying to diagnose and fix this for two months now. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated. I have a Garmin GPS175, hooked up to my Skyview HDX using the ARINC-429. Initially, it worked fine, and I had no issues. Then, it suddenly started acting up...
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    AP-PANEL Service bulletin and

    Could the issues I was having as described two years ago in the referencede thread ( ) be caused by the problem described in the recently released service bulletin: 104808-000 Early SV-AP-PANEL Failure, Rev A ?? My AP_PANEL...
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    TRIG TX56A

    Does this unit use the SL30 protocol, Can it interface with the Skyview HDX using the SL30 protocol or the ARINC-429 ?, i.e. without a dedicated CDI? The installation manual includes this paragraph: 5.6.11 RS232 Input/Output The RS232 input allows certain third-party multi-function displays...
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    Engine, EGT and CHT Sensor compatibility with SV-EMS-220 variants

    I have just purchased an new aircraft with a Lycoming O-360-A1A. I want to install a complete Skyview HDX with the EMS-220 Engine Monitoring System, (EMS), but the installation kts and wiring harnesses for this come in different variants depending on engine and type of carburation/fuel...
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    Third party IFR Navigators and Skyview Configuration Settings

    I just installed the Garmin GPS 175 in my panel. I have a Skyview HDX with Dynon Autopilot. Can someone please direct me to where in the users manual or the installation manual I can find the various configuration settings (other than the ARINC-429 settings), necessary to use the flight plans...
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    Garmin GPS 175 to HDX Skyview -ALLOW AUTO SWITCH

    Is setting the ALLOW AUTO SWITCH setting to YES (LABEL100) all that is necessary in order to get the GPS 175 to automatically inject flight plans, (and changes to flight plans), including waypoints and specified approach procedures into the Skyview flight plan? ... or is there another setting...
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    Seattle Avionics vs Garmin GPS175 published appoaches

    I have Dynon HDX, SV-GPS-2020, Dynon autopilot, and a Garmin GPS175 certified IFR navigator hooked up to the Skyview with SV-ARINC-429. I subscribe to Seattle Avionics with for all IFR data, including all IFR approach plates. Since all published approaches are published with expiration dates...
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    ARCINC-429 with GP175 not use serial port?

    Am I correct that adding the Garmin GPS175 using an SV-ARCINC-429 communicates with the HDX completely through the Skyview Network and does not use one of the five serial ports?
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    SV-KNOB-DIMMER Questions

    I cannot see my screen at night as it is too dim. I need to use an external dimmer as described in installation manual on pgs . But I have a Rutan Long EZ, with very limited panel space, so first question is how big is the SV-KNOB-DIMMER? Is it the same size as the other panels, like intercom...
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    Intermittent Transponder Mode C

    I have a SV-XPNDR-261 transponder, hooked up to an ADVANCED AIRCRAFT ELECTRONICS HIGH GAIN TRANSPONDER ANTENNA. Recently, over the past few months, I have had recurring intermittent Transponder and Mode C Failures (as reported by various ATC controllers). Sometimes the controller reports that...
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    Power constraint for software updates

    On the software update page it specifically says not to perform updates when the system is only powered by the backup battery. It says to only do updates when on Aircraft or external power. What is the reason for this restriction? Is it only insurance to make sure you don't completely lose power...
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    Uploading flight plans from iFlyGPS

    I can't seem to reliably upload flight plans from my EFIS, (iFlyGLS on a Samsung Android tablet), into Skyview on my HDX. I know it's not the wifi because I see ADS-B traffic on the tablet just fine. Is there some setting in Skview that I am missing?
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    Fuel pressure sensor

    Can you guys tell me anything about normal failure modes of the Fuel pressure sensor included with your 4 cylinder carbureted Lycoming EMS package? Recently, I had intermittent fuel pressure readings below 1 psi, (at times it got as low as 0.3 - 0.4 psi), although it recovered and went back up...
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    USB ports on back of HDX

    I have a panel mounted USB port on my instrument panel. For some time now, I have been experiencing intermittent failure of the port. When it happens I get a blank right hand screen when I try to to to the configuration screen where you go to "load files". The entire screen is blank. It's not...
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    Autopilot tuning: Altitude Capture Procedure.

    I am seeing unsatisfactory autopilot behavior during Altitude Capture that I cannot find in the tuning guide. In my case the aircraft overshoots and undershoots the target, getting further away from the target on each iteration. In figure 5 of the in-flight tuning guide, (page 5-4), one...
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    Problem with displayed winds

    I have an HDX screen, and the calculated in-flight winds displayed onscreen are (intermittently), way off. I am often getting 40 to 50 knots crosswind displayed, when the actual winds are nowhere near that strong. What could be causing this? I have my remote magnetometer mounted under the rear...
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    ADS- B Traffic on Approach plate display?

    Is there a way to get ADS-B Traffic to display on top of Approach plates? If not, would you guys consider adding this functionality as a selectable option?