Search results

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    Equipment for Sale

    D100 EFIS, EMS 120, both with suprebright screen, backup battery and OAT probe and HS 34 Sale of 2680 Euro. The equipment is in Denmark.
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    Buy navigation software

    It may be possible that I make a bank transfer to you and sends the serial number with. Once you have received the money, send in the code for the navigation tool via mail to me. please send me your bank details and I will transfer $ 500 cash from my bank
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    Buy navigation software

    Is it possible to buy the code for SV-MAP-270 GPS NAVIGATION SOFTWARE without involving UPS or other transportation companies. If I pay directly with Visa and You(Dynon) send the code via the mail directly to me, I'll save 25% tax on top of $ 500. Alternatively, a credible Skywiev user outside...
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    Transponder/D100 compatibility

    Becker 6401 Mode S works fine with D100.
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    Tecknical name for vertical data

    I have asked AVMAP about softwareupdate for VI, including posibilities for using vertical navigation for AIFS D100, like glideslobe marker. But They don't don't vant to understand my question. I need to know the exact tecnical name for vertical data out af AVMAP IV. Horizontal data vorks...
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    Error in terrain file?

    I only try Explorer and Firefox, and make 12*2 downloads, 2 USB stick and 2 computers. It means 1 of 24 downloads was with succes. I could se I have error in different places, so I continuing on working with download. I will use You'r suggestion in future.
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    Do You mean I buy one more SV-GPS-250 unit, or is it possible to make a split of the 4 wires?
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    Error in terrain file?

    Congratulation Dynon(and Me) with a working unit, it must be an unstabile netconection far away from US! After 12 try for downloding, it succeded with 1 error-free file. Thanks for the help.
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    When GPS is on Master harness, is it possible to get Mowing Map on slave screen? And what about UTC time? Is it possible to set QNH on master and slave follow simultansly?
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    Error in terrain file?

    I shift from Firefox to Explorer and do my 4. download. A little bit better, now I have File Error in Validating database Package when I reatch 64%! But now I have a big problem, Corrupt or missing storage device. Please contact Dynon for recovery assistance!
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    I have 2 SV-D700 but only 1 EMS220 and 1 ADAHRS. My dream was to have same layout like my old EFIS D100 and EMS 120. Is it possible to make a setup similar to the "old" instruments? I would like to have PFI on Master SkyWiev and Engene on Slave, but still posibility to switch screen.
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    Error in terrain file?

    Wery strange. I have 2 700unit and therefore 2 USB stick, I have tryed both and in different USB plug. I have talked with another Dane, he have no problem with terain file. Is it possible that I miss some byte in the download process? Is it possible to check the complete downloaded file? Now...
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    Error in terrain file?

    Can it be possible that there are an error in Europa tarrain file? SV-D700 write "File has Error " after 8% when he make Validating database Package, when I try to install Europa Pakage I have tried downloading the terrain file 2 times.
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    AVMAP, please help me, Lord

    I have 4 times asked AVMAP, will be possible in future to take out Vertical navigation data from AVMAP IV and use it in EFIS D100? I have HS34 and use Horisontal information on HSI screen on EFIS. But AVMAP have their Bellboy to answer coustomer, it is not possible for me to get an answer. Does...
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    Bad cromework on Gretz Bracket

    Me and Gretz have an understanding, He send a new Bracket, I send the rusty back, and He will send the rusty part back to chromeshop. So everything is OK now. 
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    Bad cromework on Gretz Bracket

    I have a bracket mount on my polish aluplane. The plane is under 1 year and the crome on bracket is in poor condition. Gretz say he is sorry, no warrenty on the cromework is standing on his homepage , and I must paint it! I must live beside the see or in sanding condition! These is wery poor...
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    Need help for ordering D9 cabels

    I will order 2 SVD700, 1 battery, 1 SV-EMS, 1 SVADAHRS. My SV-ADAHRS need 10feet cabel. Do I need any Y splitter? Please help me with a list for D9 cabels!
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    Lost speedindication

    To day I lost speedindication total. First I read very high airspeed and the horisontal line was wery sensetive. Later to slow indication. Try to make a new upstart in air, get a black/grey screen for first time. Now instrument use GPS for speedindication. My instrument is Efis D100 nr.:03484...
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    No enginetime

    Thank You for wery quick and precise reply.
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    No enginetime

    I have only hobbtime on display, if I want to se enginetime I must go in setup and look on tacometer. How can I put enginetime under or over hobbtime on display, like it is in the manual?