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  1. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    I have not tried to send a flight plan from Foreflight on an iPad to the Dynon Skyview HD. I believe other have reported doing that using options under Foreflight -> More -> Devices.
  2. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Finally got Foreflight to upload flight plans to the IFD440 through the Skyview Wi-Fi, with some help from Phil at P-Factor. The key was to go into the Skyview Menu -> Map setup -> Flight Plan options -> Allow incoming flight plans. There you will find field labelled "over wifi" which defaults...
  3. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    I was finally able to get the IFD440 to connect to the Skyview Wi-Fi. After many failures to connect, I turned off Capstone on the IFD440. On the next attempt the connection was successful. Be aware that after this is done, the Avidyne Wi-Fi SSID will disappear from the list of available Wi-Fi's...
  4. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Thank you Kurt. I’ll try that on our panel and report back.
  5. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Thanks Kurt. You're probably right; I'll just have to live with the status quo. Doesn't mean I can't ask for improvements, though. If I understand your statement about connecting Avidyne to the Skyview network, that would mean that everything can then be done while the iPad is logged onto the...
  6. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Agreed that there is no reason to display traffic and weather on the tiny IFD440 display. I just don't want to have to switch wifi connections to get that information on the iPad in Foreflight, where it actually aids in flight planning by incorporating wind data. Having weather and traffic on...
  7. M

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    I have an IFD440 and two Dynon HDX displays with the Dynon ADS-B receiver, and use an iPad with Foreflight on a yoke mount. Here is what I think I know about the ADS-B sharing problem. With a perfectly good Dynon ADS-B receiver in the plane, nobody wants to have to add a second Avidyne ADS-B...