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  1. S

    Transponder Warning Message

    So far it's happened 4 times in 56 hours TTSN. Not sure it it will cause issue with FAA ADSB system as I don't want to get a letter from them. Other than that if it happens much more I will give y'all a call.
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    Transponder Warning Message

    I recently got my Rans S-20 flying and I keep getting a transponder warning message "DPSK Unlock". The only way to clear it (that I know of) is to cycle the power to the transponder and it will clear. I did a search on the forum for this and found nothing. Anybody know how to fix this or what...
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    Background Tone (noise)

    I had the same issue. Not skyview but just in case. Using Lightspeed headset and I had turned the volume up all the way on them and was adjusting the audio level with the radio. This caused feedback when transmitting. Turned them down to 50% and problem solved.
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    EGT Sensor problem

    Let me know what you fond out. I'm having the same issues and was about to buy another sensor until I saw Dynon's response. Exact same think you are experiencing. I did find bad connections in the wiring to the spade connectors that were installed on the probe. I put two new connections on there...
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    EGT Temperature Issue

    I have one EGT indication (out of two) on my 912ULS that sometimes goes to 2,000F even on run up. Carb heat or enrichment lever doesn't change it and recently it went high and then dropped to 400F. About halfway through the flight it returned to normal. Doubt the reading is real and think it is...
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    EFIS ASI Adjustment?

    Well I'm waiting on that six pack ;D Did the zero pressure cal and the Dynon/analog/GPS are now all within <2mph apart. Happy Camper :D
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    Rotax 912 Oil Pressure Issue

    Since starting my 912 for the first time my oil pressure indication has fluctuated quite a bit. Yesterday while flying the pressure indication went to zero  :o Of course it wasn't real or the engine would have locked up quickly. As I throttled back on final the reading came back. I've read...
  8. S

    EFIS ASI Adjustment?

    Yep I may have to take you up on that bet  ;D Did several checks in different directions, then averaged for the diff. And yes I do need a static test. Both units are set to MPH. Dynon AOA/PITOT that is 6" below the wing and static in factory location(s). Both on same pitot/static line but they...
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    EFIS ASI Adjustment?

    I did use a measured course (triangle) and that's how I got my numbers. Having that small of a difference is not really that big of a deal but I just wondered if there was a way to close the gap. The analog and Dynon use the same static and pitot lines so I thought they should read closer than...
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    EFIS ASI Adjustment?

    I have a D-100 and an analog ASI, both of which are new. I did an accuracy check today using my Garmin 396 and the analog ASI is dead on with the Garmin. The D-100 is reading 6-7mph low. Is there any way to adjust for this or just not worry about such a small difference?
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    Thought I knew the answer...

    Thanks, I got it now. Two step process....calibrate Princetons, defuel, add one gallon at a time and calibrate Dynon....what fun ;D
  12. S

    Thought I knew the answer...

    OK, dumb question #1  :-? If I'm reading you correctly I need to fill the tank(s) and callibrate the Princeton Probes first, then defuel and calibrate the EMS120 next using the indicated fuel quantity per step? (12gal tanks & 1gal at a time on display) Thanks and Happy New Year Glenn
  13. S

    Screen Cleaning

    First post here. I did a search, but didn't find anything on the subject. What is the best solution to use/way to clean the screens without doing any harm to them. Thanks Glenn