Thought I knew the answer...


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Type 2, and, depending on the model, you may need to do a cal on the princeton probe by itself first, before doing the Dynon calibration. Essentially, it needs to be outputting a variable voltage as fuel level changes.


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
Southeast Texas
OK, dumb question #1  :-?

If I'm reading you correctly I need to fill the tank(s) and callibrate the Princeton Probes first, then defuel and calibrate the EMS120 next using the indicated fuel quantity per step? (12gal tanks & 1gal at a time on display)

Thanks and Happy New Year


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Well, you'd need to do any steps that the Princeton probes require first. Some of their probe models don't output any variable voltage until you do a cal on them. We need a variable voltage output - though it doesn't need to be linear - to do our calibration. Other models of theirs do output some variable voltage out of the box, but it won't be correlated very linearly to gallons in the tank. If your model's the latter, then you can just go ahead and do the Dynon calibration, as the whole point of our routine is to take a very non-linear output and make sense of it.

Our calibration requires that you go from empty to full, by the way.


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
Southeast Texas
Well, you'd need to do any steps that the Princeton probes require first. Some of their probe models don't output any variable voltage until you do a cal on them. We need a variable voltage output - though it doesn't need to be linear - to do our calibration. Other models of theirs do output some variable voltage out of the box, but it won't be correlated very linearly to gallons in the tank. If your model's the latter, then you can just go ahead and do the Dynon calibration, as the whole point of our routine is to take a very non-linear output and make sense of it.

Our calibration requires that you go from empty to full, by the way.

Thanks, I got it now. Two step process....calibrate Princetons, defuel, add one gallon at a time and calibrate Dynon....what fun ;D