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  1. H

    what's next

    I third the vote for wider tapes!
  2. H

    Show us your Skyview Panel!

    Yep, that's what they are for.  I would definitely do them again if I did another panel.  They make it much easier to push buttons while flying in the bumps. My buddy calls them "towel racks" :)  The interior is from Classic Aero Designs.  Good stuff and very comfortable! 
  3. H

    Show us your Skyview Panel!

    Here's my before panel. Here's the after pics. :)
  4. H

    Skyview data output to external autopilot

    New info from Lucas on the Trutrak forum. :)  Awesome!! Yes. Dynon has provided us with a preliminary spec and we will modify our AP softwares to use it. As soon as it's available I'll make a post on this forum. Thanks! __________________ Lucas Trutrak Tech Support
  5. H

    Skyview data output to external autopilot

    Dynon, I read your post below in the VAF forum.  Can you say if Trutrak is considering doing this?  I'm guessing there are many Skyview customers like myself who upgraded panels with existing autopilots that would like to have this functionality. Harry To all others: SkyView now outputs the...
  6. H

    what's next

    I noticed the same thing and agree 100%
  7. H

    SV-GPS-250 Painting Okay?

    Dave, Take a look at this.... Harry
  8. H

    Transponder stopped working

    I upgraded from 2.5 to 3.1.1 yesterday because of just finishing up a new panel install.  I have booted the screens many times on the bench and a few times in the airplane with version 2.5 and earlier and everything has been perfectly normal. Only one of my screens has a back-up battery. I...
  9. H

    target date for v3.2

    Any mention of whether or not 3.2 will include Audio or WX?
  10. H

    Skyview display of flap position (resolved)

    Re: Skyview display of flap position Got it fixed! :) I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, but I simply moved the connection point to the flap arm closer to the pivot point resulting in less movement of the potentiometer. Re-programed the FPS and now getting 4.75 volts at full up...
  11. H

    Skyview display of flap position (resolved)

    Re: Skyview display of flap position Thanks, but I already checked that.  I am getting 6.1 volts out of pin #11 when the flaps are at the full up position Harry
  12. H

    Skyview display of flap position (resolved)

    I'm using an AircraftExtras FPS (flap positioning system) with Skyview and want to show flap position on the EFIS. The system uses a Ray Allen POS-12 to control the flaps.  The instructions specifically say to not wire the potentiometer directly to the display device as well as their box.  It...
  13. H

    RV9A Pitch servo Install

    Hi Bruce, I got the pictures. Thanks! Harry
  14. H

    RV9A Pitch servo Install

    They are referring to the servo itself mounted in the normal position, but the arm rotated to the bottom side of the servo (approx 160 degrees). This fixes any clearance issues with the elevator pushrod and only changes the geometry slightly. I am looking at the online version of the article...
  15. H

    RV9A Pitch servo Install

    In the May issue of Kitplanes there is a story showing a Skyview A/P install where the builder installs the pitch servo with the arm pointing down due to interference issues. I am having the same issues and wondering if this is an acceptable way to correct the problem?