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  1. G

    Pitch and Roll error indication

    Ok, I have switched to the second AHRS unit and the pitch and roll are now stable. I am still showing a pitch error and roll error red fault indication however. Is this fault indication coming from the first AHRS, or do I also have a problem with the second AHRS? Do I still have a problem or...
  2. G

    Pitch and Roll error indication

    I am installing a dual Skyview in an RV 10. I am trying to determine if I' m having a problem or not. I am getting both a pitch error and a roll error indication. Both just seem to wander around not locking on to any point. Pitch wanders around 15 degrees and roll stays level but heading...
  3. G

    nav data software pricing

    I'm trying to decide if I should keep or replace my King KMD 150 VFR gps for another 7" Skyview screen. My KMD 150 depicts airspace, airports, obstructions, nav facilities (NDB/ VOR), rivers, roads/highways and terrain elevations. It also includes information in it's data base about these items...
  4. G

    nav data software pricing

    I understand that the nav data software is not available yet but I am unclear as to the future pricing of this feature. You have a suggested $500 dollar price for this feature. Is this a one time charge or are there going to be recurring charges for updates every 28 days to keep it current...
  5. G

    Functionality without external inputs

    I'm not completely clear as to what function and features I would have with the Skyview system without external inputs? I have all King stuff which apparently won't work with your Skyview system. If I only have a single screen Skyview ( single adhrs) with GPS module and autopilot servoes, what...
  6. G

    King avionics compatablity

    Would I have any ability to integrate a KX 155 with glideslope or a KMD 150 gps with the current Skyview system or its future add on autopilot/ flight director?