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    Wish List.

    and a Remote DME as well like Garmin G-1000...
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    Heading Ticks in the HSI

    My suggestion is to vary the length of heading ticks alternately which is a standard in any scale
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    Waves in the display

    It basically changes with RPM only and the brightness is at max.
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    Waves in the display

    Has any one experienced waves in the display background at high power settings?
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    RPM indication jumping

    Hi I too have this problem. it is more pronounced during hot temperatures. Once in while, the RPM jumps out of limit and settles back in a fraction of second. RPM pick up arrangement is also the same. Looks like a design problem
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    ADS B traffic

    Hi Dynon Please tell me if TRX 1500 ADS B 1090 receiver is compatible with Sky view. If no then what are other 1090 in receivers are available?
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    ADS-B Traffic In The En Route Environment

    Ok i have one question. If one aircraft is transmitting on GTX 33 (Garmin XPNDR), will Dynon see that aircraft if it has onboard transponder????and vice versa.
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    EMI interference or what?

    So to elaborate, When the engine is operating at high RPM, say above 2000 for a Lycoming 540, one can notice dim waves travelling across the display especially PFD. May be during daytime it is not very prominent but it is definitely at night time quite prominent.
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    EMI interference or what?

    Has any one experienced waves in the background during engine operations with change in pattern with change in RPM? What are possible causes and remedies?
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    anyone knows if dynon planning to put HIS hiway in sky projection in next release of skyview?
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    cabin temp indication

    is it possible to set the cabin temp in celcious keeping other tem in farenheit?