ADS-B Traffic In The En Route Environment


Oct 25, 2009
This is adressed to those with the Dynon transponder and ADS-B equipment that have verified they are transmitting ADS-B OUT and get traffic back over ADS-B.

Do you ever get traffic reports when you know that you are in the "en route service volume", that is, you are not in terminal air space?

I ask, because I have Skyradar and the Dynon transponder and I see lots of traffic in the terminal airspace but never in the en route airspace. All the while, the FAA specifically tells me that traffic is turned on in my en route space (ZAB) and many that I just flew through on the way to Boston.

Despite what the FAA says, I see traffic only in terminal airspace. So I wonder if I need to challenge the people that make Skyradar or WingX or both to see if the problem lies there.

Thanks for any help.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So we can't vouch for other ADS-B products (do you have the Skyradar set up as a TIS device? I'm not familiar with its connectivity), but if you're using our ADS-B receiver with a SkyView transponder, you'll absolutely get all known radar targets in non-terminal coverage. You'll know this is the case (again, only with the SkyView ADS-B hardware) when you see the FULL annunciation on the map traffic alert area.


Oct 25, 2009
OK, thanks for the responses. So it must be that either the Skyradar or WingX is the issue.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
OK, so do you have our transponder with ADS-B Out, and then you're receiving on Skyradar + wingx exclusively? If so, make sure TRANSPONDER SETUP > ADS-B IN FREQUENCY is set to 978. That tells the ground stations how you're receiving (via your Skyradar, which is either 978 or dual band, depending on the model). If you had our ADS-B box, this is set implicitly, but if you're receiving outside of SkyView, you need to set it explicitly.

If the above isn't your configuration, tell us your whole setup and we'll see what might be workable.


Oct 25, 2009
I do have Dynon transportnder with ADS-B out.

I have come to the same conclusion as you that I may have the ADS-B in frequency set incorrectly. My A/C is 20 miles away right now so I can't check. Is the default ADS-B in frequency "none"? Page 11-18 of Install Man doesn't say which is default.

If default is none and I missed that setting then all might be OK as soon as I set it to 978. I guess that means whenever I saw terminal traffic that some one else was tickling the ground stations. When en route it would be unlikely that I would be near enough to an ADS-B out A/C to do that.

If instead, I find that the ADS-B in frequency is already set to 978 or 1090 then I have more to do (my Skyradar is dual frequency).

One last question, I presume that "TIS Traffic" should be set on.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I think the default is none, so I think you'll be all set there. If you set TIS traffic to ON, you'll see it on SkyView (you won't see ADS-B traffic on SkyView because you don't have the SV-ADSB-470.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
I think the default is none, so I think you'll be all set there. If you set TIS traffic to ON, you'll see it on SkyView (you won't see ADS-B traffic on SkyView because you don't have the SV-ADSB-470.
Ok i have one question. If one aircraft is transmitting on GTX 33 (Garmin XPNDR), will Dynon see that aircraft if it has onboard transponder????and vice versa.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
If someone has a GTX 33, and you have a Dynon SkyView system, you'll see:

If you have just a SkyView transponder:
That GTX 33-equipped aircraft (and all other tranponder-equipped aircraft that ATC can see in your area) when you're in a TIS coverage volume (some class B/C/D airports). This is because the older TIS-equipped radar sites tell you about other traffic in the area, not because you can see the transponder directly.

If you have a SkyView transponder AND an SV-ADSB-470 AND are in view of an ADS-B ground station as well:
You'll see that GTX 22-equipped aircraft, as well as all other radar targets, whether they're mode C or S, as well as all ADS-B-equipped targets (a subset of the other ones, really). Again, this is because the ADS-B system tells you about other traffic in the area, not because you can see the transponder directly.