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  1. M

    Capacitane to Voltage Converter

    Re: Capacitance to Voltage Converter I fixed the sensitivity issue by building Voltage converters using an Arduino Pro mini and a DAC (digital to analog converter) and a little bit of coding. I now have a spare set of Dynon Capacitance to Voltage Converters.
  2. M

    EMS220 and Skyview battery reading 0v

    The original installation had the Battery Widget working properly then it changed, I have not been able to track down why. My skyview is now displaying 0v for my battery reading.... I checked the continuity. EMS pin1 to Battery, it is shows connected and then using my meter it shows 12v...
  3. M

    Capacitane to Voltage Converter

    Is the sensitivity on the capacitance to voltage converts adjustable? I started to calibrate my header tank (Glasair Super II SFT) which has a 6 gallon capacity and the calibration routine wanted a set point at each 1/2 gallon, Empty it read 3.28v and with .5 gallons it still read 3.28, 0 -...
  4. M

    adahrs fail / skyview freezes on boot 50% of time

    I called Dynon Support and talked with Mike. In troubleshooting, the problem seemed to go away. leaving me with 2 suspect options. 1- perhaps a poor connection to the adahrs in the cable that I put together, The problem actually disappeared when I placed tools near the adahrs getting ready to...
  5. M

    adahrs fail / skyview freezes on boot 50% of time

    I am still building but nearly done on my glasair 2. I came out yesterday and turned on all avionics with the engine off. The boot sequence failed and after 10 min wait. I restarted it. it then came up with an adahrs fail. after another 3 min. adahrs came up. after reviewing settings for...