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  1. P

    Battery Drain.

    :-? I just recently up graded to the Skyview system in my RV9A. I had flown it for about a month steadily and then I couldn't fly for about 6 weeks for personnel reasons. Yesterday, I planned to go flying and discovered the battery had dropped to 2.1 volts. My question is, Is there something...
  2. P

    Changing the Aircraft Icon

    The Skyview User Guide tells us to reference the Installation Guide on how to change the aircraft icons on the moving map. I can't find where it is located in the I/G. can someone tell me where to find this info. Thanks in advance 8-)
  3. P

    Flight plan tracking

    Thanks Dynon for your answer. I will talk to them next week or at Oshkosh. Peter
  4. P

    Flight plan tracking

    Jon I have an EKP IV driving the D100 EFIS. It all works great but would like it to anticipate the turn. If not I will just live with it or manually it myself. 2-3 miles is the "overshoot" if the turn is 90 degrees or less. Thx Peter
  5. P

    Flight plan tracking

    I have just installed the autopilot and it works great. One thing I notice is when it is tracking a GPS flight plan, the A/C goes well past the waypoint before the A/P picks up the next leg. Sometimes it will go 2-3 miles past.  ::)Is there a way to set up the D100 EFIS so the next leg is...
  6. P

    Pitch Servo falls off DSAB network

    Well today is Father's day and I went back to the RV to see if I could troubleshoot this problem. I started over with the DSAB & A/P config. Everything works now. Servo test completed successfully. Now it is making me wonder what could have caused this to happen and could it come back in the...
  7. P

    Pitch Servo falls off DSAB network

    I was configuring the A/P sytem today for the first time. I have the D100 EFIS & D120 EMS. (firmware 5.4.3 on all 5 items) I recently added the AP74 and 2 servos. After the DSAB network config, it recognized the 5 items.During the config stage of the A/P set-up, the pitch servo somehow has...