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  1. H

    EFIS D6: Airspeed Failover - GPS Connect settings?

    Folks, I'd like to wire one of the RS-232 OUT ports from my Garmin GTN650 to the D6, Pin 22 (Yellow/Green) wire for airspeed failover. Can someone confirm the settings I should use in my GTN650 for this serial port? Like.... 1. AVIATION FORMAT / AVIATION OUTPUT 1 2. Baud Rate = 9600 3...
  2. H

    Dynon D6: Alt. Encoder cable shield gnd where?

    I just found an old instruction sheet. It says "DO NOT" ground the transponder side of the shield. This is done on the main connector side. So I'm just heat shrink sealing the xpndr side of the shield closed. Howard
  3. H

    Dynon D6: Alt. Encoder cable shield gnd where?

    Folks, The D6 Altitude cable (bundled 2-wire) is a shielded cable. Page 2-2 Schematic shows the shield going to ground. What side of the cable should be used for shield to ground. The D6 EFIS side....or should I ground the shield at the Transponder side? Thanks, Howard
  4. H

    EFIS D6: Do I just cap off the Alt. encoder wires?

    Guys, I won't be using my backup EFIS D6 for Altitude Encoder data...instead I have a GRT EFIS that I have wired to send altitude data to my Trig T-22 Transponder. So should I just cap off the Alt. Encoder wires on the D6.  These are DB25 Pins 13 (Encoder serial transmit) and Pin 21 (Ground)...
  5. H

    Dynon D6: What is Pin 16 (black) Unused GND for?

    Guys, I'm installing a D6 EFIS and need to know what pin 16 is for? It's labeled Unused GND:Black 16 on page 2-2 of the manual. Should I just cap it off? Is this pin grounded internally to the D6 such that I could in the future use it for an AUDIO OUT ground or SERIAL GROUND? Thanks, Howard