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  1. J

    SL40 "Shared ground"?

    I don't know about the shared ground or the typo if looking at Revision Q of the POH but ... I seem to have it in my head that the SL-40 can be seen by Skyview on the top bar. Is this true? Can some kind person point me in the right direction for configuring it if so? :) Thanks John VH-ULL
  2. J


    I have Skyview in my RV-12. Present display is Hobbs Time. How do I rig Tach Time instead? Can I have both? How?
  3. J


    I have just reinstalled my SV EMS-220 after a repair by Dynon. Power up and the EMS FAIL panel with the cross comes up! Can anyone help me with my next move? Is there some reconfig process that has to be done. The Warning Panel say there is a Software Mismatch but I am unsure what that means in...
  4. J

    Interference problem

    RV-12 Skyview with Garmin SL40. To transmit on VHF causes the CHT gauges to rocket from 0 to 210 plus C. Release and they return to 0. Can anyone offer an explanation for what may be causing this phenomenon?
  5. J

    Skyview RV-12 Trim position

    I have a trim indicator greyed out on the SV display but no position indicated. Have I missed something? How to configure please?
  6. J

    battery test

    I did the first Skyview battery test on my RV-12 and it passed - but I only got 45mins. I read that there should be in excess of 60mins. Is this because the battery was not fully charged - even though it said it was - when the test was initiated (12.03V I think it was)? I have not run the engine...