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  1. F

    Exhaust gas temp reading

    Hi Today I upgraded my dynon skyview to the latest software version, and after doing the upgrade one of my exhaust gas temperature readings now displays the red x instead of the temperature. Not sure why it has done this, could it be hat the software never loaded correctly and missed...
  2. F

    Red cube fuel flow sensor

    I have been back out at my aircraft again today, trying to trouble shoot this problem and have eventually found out what the problem is. It appears to be something to do with the wiring that comes out of the top of the transducer. If i wiggle the bundle if cable where they come out of the top of...
  3. F

    Red cube fuel flow sensor

    I have gone over all the wiring again today, I am getting 12v on the supply feed (red wire )to the transducer. I am getting continuity in the earth feed and have checked the yellow cable to. There doesn't appear to be any problems. However I'm still not getting any readings in the sensor debug...
  4. F

    Red cube fuel flow sensor

    Since installing my red cube sensor I have never managed to get a fuel flow figure displayed on the gauge.  I thought it was because I never had a fuel quantity entered.  I have now programmed the skyview with the fuel quantity in the tank, however still don't get any readings on the gauge.  I...
  5. F

    Transponder interference

    Hi The antenna is located in the rear section of the fuselage bolted through from the bottom. Rg400 cae runs from the antwnna through central tunnel to transponder which is mounted within the tunnel. Headset cabeling was a harness made up by my avionics supplier, it is sheilded cable and is...
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    Transponder interference

    Hi jake The ground plane is a 6 inch square. Kind regards Donald
  7. F

    Transponder interference

    Hi Sorry my confusion over the ads-b. This is loactaed within a europa xs (composite aircraft). The coax does not run anywhere near the headset/intercom bundle. The only cablesthat run close to these is the rx and tx out of transponder to the input for the skyview. These cables are screened...
  8. F

    Transponder interference

    Hi Thanks for your reply. As im located in the Uk the ads-b output isnt connected. Does this make a difference? If it is ok on standby mode, is there anythig i can do to remove the interference when it is broadcasting? Kind regards Donald
  9. F

    Transponder interference

    Hi Thanks for your reply. I wiuld need to check to see if it coincides with the reply icon, i presume i can find this in the transponder set up menu? I can confirm that the cable used is rg400. Its certainly like a coded clicking sound and has a regular pattern to it. Kind regards Donald
  10. F

    Transponder interference

    Hi Having installed my dynon 262 transponder, an got it all connected and working I have now noticed I have a clicking sound coming through my headsets. If I disconnect the transponder from the system the clicking noise stops, therefore I presume my intercom is picking up interference from...
  11. F

    Vdo oil pressure sensor

    Currently in process of wiring skyview system into my aircraft and wondered if the existing Vdo oil pressure sensor is compatible with the skyview to monitor oil pressure? Sensor is marked VDO 29/12 and is installed on my rotax 912uls Any help would be appreciated. Kind regards Fireflier