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  1. 1

    Compass way off

    Duh.... I will go mount it correctly and see what happens. Quick read of instructions mention mounting oreintation same as D10A - so I put the long axis the same as the long axis of the D10A...of course very next sentence tells you to put long axis parallel to wings.  Sorry to waste electrons...
  2. 1

    Compass way off

    The remote is mounted above the window - yes not very far away from D10A -but right next to a $3 auto store compass that is dead on.  Aircraft is a Murhpy Moose.  A buddy with the exact same airplane, panel and engine setup has been dead on out of the box with no EDC.  I thought maybe my...
  3. 1

    Compass way off

    My D10A's compass has always been off by 40 degrees or more and is completely erratic in flight sometimes frozen sometimes spins.  Purchased a remote EDC and installed.  Updated to latest firmware, inclination set, N,E,S,W calibration done and now is 90 to 120 degrees off.  EDC is mounted with...