My D10A's compass has always been off by 40 degrees or more and is completely erratic in flight sometimes frozen sometimes spins. Purchased a remote EDC and installed. Updated to latest firmware, inclination set, N,E,S,W calibration done and now is 90 to 120 degrees off. EDC is mounted with tabs down, and plug forward - D10A and EDC are identical angles etc. When I run a headset by the EDC the heading does change. Makes no difference where the EDC is located the heading is always way off??? When on ground heading West it indicated North. Went flying anyway - going North it indicated North - turning to the East it just stayed at North, continued to South and all the sudden it spun all the way around to South. D10A has already been returned (twice) for pitch and roll issues which seem to be okay now.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?