Search results

  1. 7

    D100 Additions / Improvements

    Just wondering if there any new features (like HITS) in the works for the D100...or is it pretty much done? Don't get me's a great EFIS with LOTS of great features. :) Sam
  2. 7

    OAT Wire + Molex

    Is it okay to install a Molex connector in the OAT cable? I have the red, yellow, blue + gnd OAT. Thanks, Sam
  3. 7


    What's the process for retrieving the data from the EMS? Thanks, Sam
  4. 7

    EMS D-120 Internal Battery

    Does the EMS D120 have the internal battery option? Thanks.
  5. 7


    Dynon, What's the chances of seeing a HITS (Highway In The Sky) display in the future? Thanks, Sam
  6. 7

    2006 Oshkosh Announcements

    DynonSupport, I'm sorta' new at this avionics stuff & all the different signals that equipment sends/uses... I finally saw it stated in plain terms (in another forum) that the Garmin 430 does not provide the appropriate signal to the D100 to get verticle guidance, ie. glide slope. You stated...
  7. 7

    2006 Oshkosh Announcements

    You answered my question, sir. :) I've been following Dynon's progress since the first D10. "New & improved" was probably a confusing phrase I shouldn't have used. :-X You folks are doing a super job! Keep up the good work. Sam
  8. 7

    2006 Oshkosh Announcements

    Can the "new & improved" D100 be connected to both an SL30 and a GPS to get all the features listed? (Assuming that either the EMS D10 or EMS D120 are also connected to the system.) I am strongly considering the EFIS D100 + EMS D10 + SL30 + 300XLGPS. The new features Dynon has announced will...