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    One D700 hang on boot

    I have just had the exactly the same problem today. My second D700 hangs at the logo splash screen and the transponder just shows the Red Cross. Can you advise on what conclusion you came to ?
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    Skyview 1000 went blank in flight.

    I have just had the same issue with the SV-D1000 sn 756-.My setup is two screens the other being the SV-D700. SN 416-There is a battery backup on the SV-D1000. System was purchase around March 2014 and has been flying since December 2014. We have 50 hrs on the Hobbs and have experienced no...
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    Skydemon Data Delivery

    Ide like to add my vote for SkyDemon with Skyview. SD seems to be easily the most widely used Vfr NAV program in the UK. I have also used it extensively throughout Western Europe and it has performed flawlessly. Combination of SV and SD would be perfect. If I was choosing an EFIS now I would be...
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    Skydemon Data Delivery

    Just like to add my vote for SkyDemon on Skyview. It seems that SD is easily the most popular VRR app in the Uk and it would be great to be able to use it with my new SV system !