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  1. R

    Complete System Failure In Flight

    Coupl'a days ago, I had the same inflight screen lockup on my Skyview 700 while trying to access MAP/INFO/WX as others experienced. Didn't know about the 2,3,5 simultaneous keys to reset the screen. The System reset itself after about 10 minutes, then I stupidly tried it again with the same...
  2. R

    Dimming for night flight

    Dynon - Thank You VERY much! After night-flying with the new Skyview Version 12 I am extremely pleased with the new dimming algorithm. It is awesome. Great Job! Thanks for listening and responding. Russ
  3. R

    Dimming for night flight

    Dynon - Well, please bear with me while I try another approach. Is there any way to set up my Skyview that it always defaults to full bright but I could manually adjust it to dimmer without the automatic brightness stepping in and adjusting it to brighter or dimmer? Then if the Skyview lost...
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    Dimming for night flight

    I would like to reopen my request for a better pilot control for dimming for night flight. I've been operating for several months now using the Dynon "recomended workaround" of setting BRIGHTNESS SENSOR VALUES of 999,998,997,996 and the minimum to 995, with the Dynon warnings of the limitation...
  5. R

    Dimming for night flight

    Fantastic! Thanks. I have all the information I need, to make the system operate just the way I want. I understand the potential problem and will deal with it. One more use I never would have imagined for DUCT TAPE! Russ
  6. R

    Dimming for night flight

    Is there a way that I could "defeat" the ambient light sensor with something as simple as putting a piece of tape over it? Where is the sensor? I strongly request that in the next version, that there be a way for the pilot to have total control of the screen brightness. Thanks for your quick...
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    Dimming for night flight

    I flew at night with my Skyview for the first time. I manually dim the display with the +/- buttons. The Skyview is the only light in my otherwise dark cockpit, so I keep the Skyview brightness very low. Occasionally I use my LED headlamp to look at other items in the cockpit. When I do that the...