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  1. J

    Oil Pressure Sensors for Rotax 912 ULS

    I have a D180 and have the oil pressure sensor set for the Rotax 956413 sensor which is described in the install manual as (mid-2008 and later). My Rotax sensor installed on a 2013 model engine is a 456180. I'm presently getting a "0" reading for the oil pressure during engine run. I installed a...
  2. J

    SV-INTERCOM-2S connection to Garmin GTR200 com

    I am using the SV-INTERCOM-2S Installation and Users Guide to install the unit. The pinout and description of the wiring on the PTT and Mic connection to a generic com radio is not real clear to a novice like me :-[ but your description above is VERY clear :) Thank you very much for the...
  3. J

    SV-INTERCOM-2S connection to Garmin GTR200 com

    I am installing a single GTR 200 com radio and chose to install the SV-INTERCOM-2S. I am connecting the intercom pin #14 (Radio 1 Audio input) to the com pin #10 (receiver Audio out hi). I'm pretty confident on this connection but not real sure about the intercom pin #25 (radio 1 mic out) and...
  4. J

    Dynon Pitot Probe

    OK, Thanks. Without knowing the inards of the snout I was just wondering if the misalignment would allow leakage to the AOA section and thus cause problems with it's function. Will leave as is. Thanks, Jrans
  5. J

    Dynon Pitot Probe

    After taking the tape off the snout of the pitot/AOA probe and looking into the inlet opening, I noticed that the inner tube does not align correctly with the opening in the nose piece. Should I attempt to reach up into the opening with a small phillips screwdriver or such and try to align the...
  6. J

    D180 connection to GTX 327 Transponder

    I am installing a D180 and planning the installation of a GTX 327 transponder. Am I understanding correctly that the connection of the two will require the installation of Encoder Converter? If so , how do I get my hands on one? Thanks, Jrans
  7. J

    Rotax 912 Change to Coolant Temp Sensors

    Ok, Whats in a name anyway ;) As long as I know what they represent and most importantly that they remain within specified limits. Didn't realize I was buying "old" technology. Figgered I was stepping up in the world purchasing this fine glass instrument ;) Guess I'm always a step or two behind...
  8. J

    Rotax 912 Change to Coolant Temp Sensors

    Thanks, Will do. I gather that I'll be able to configure these as coolant temperatures when I get to the configuration section. BTW the engine is a 912ULS; not that it makes any difference. This obviously is a rather recent change in the installation of the new style heads affecting the 912/914...
  9. J

    Rotax 912 Change to Coolant Temp Sensors

    I am presently installing a D180 with a Rotax 912 engine. It seems that Rotax has changed their engine temperature sensing from 2 CHT probes to Coolant temp sensing using two probes located on top of the heads of #2 & #3 rather than the two probes located on the lower area Of #2 & #3 cylinder...