Search results

  1. Mark P.

    Wiring Intercom?

    Rhino, thanks for posting. Sorry I was away for a while and I'm back to working on the plane. Let me study the drawing that you posted and see if it clears it up for me! I only have one radio so I'll print out the drawing and delete all the second radio references just to make it easier to read!
  2. Mark P.

    Wiring Intercom?

    I need help with a couple of wires. Using the chart on page 11 of the SV-INTERCOM-2S manual (link posted above), I see that the White wire inside the shielded cable of the RADIO AUDIO INPUT goes to Pin 2 on the SV-COM-T25. Easy! Inside the same shielded cable is a White/Blue wire that the chart...
  3. Mark P.

    Wiring Intercom?

    Rhino thanks for posting that! I didn't have that manual. I've downloaded it now and it will help finish this up!
  4. Mark P.

    Wiring Intercom?

    With the premade Dynon intercom harness, how do I know which wire goes to which tab on the Phones and Mic jacks? There's a blue, red, and yellow wire inside the shielded cable. No where I can find in the instructions does it say, "blue wire is pin X, yellow wire is pin Y, etc..." Does anyone know?
  5. Mark P.

    Muting/nonMuting inputs

    I have a bunch of questions on wiring the intercom, but I'll separate them to make it easy and searchable. If I am not connecting any other audio device to my Dynon radio/intercom installation, do I need the Muting and Non-Muting Input wires for anything? I'm assuming if I'm not using them, I...
  6. Mark P.

    Static Port Mounting?

    Hi Everybody! I'm a little confused on how the Dynon gold Static ports get mounted. Does the whole thing get mounted on the outside of the skin, with just the center part going into the fuselage, or does the static port get mounted inside the skin, with just the 1/2" center part showing on the...
  7. Mark P.

    Capstan Travel?

    AH! It looks like the capstan servo is an entirely different servo. I thought the process was to take off the arm on a regular servo and then add the rotating drum. I now see that on the Dynon website, they list the capstan servo as a whole separate servo. Looks like a call to Dynon is in order!
  8. Mark P.

    Capstan Travel?

    To connect a servo to my elevator cable, I need just under 5" of travel. Right now my servo has the standard arm on it with a max travel of 2.6". If I change to the capstan, does that allow for more travel?
  9. Mark P.

    Ray Allen-Auto Trim wire diagram

    I've spent the last week trying to figure this out. Wiring the Ray Allen trim to the Dynon autopilot as shown in the Dynon wiring diagram WILL NOT WORK unless you take apart the Ray Allen trim switch and re-wire it. You'll need to remove the red power wire, and then move the black ground wire...
  10. Mark P.

    Wiring trim to autopilot?

    Can anyone make this easy on me-I'm looking for a wiring diagram for connecting the Ray Allen elev trim servo to the AP. I have the trim working by itself, but I'm not sure how to connect any of the wires from AP Panel to the trim system!
  11. Mark P.

    External LEVEL vs AP panel LEVEL button?

    Pin 28 on the D37 (orange with black stripe) is for the external optional LEVEL button, which I do not have. However, the AP panel has it's own LEVEL button. I'm assuming that pin 28 does NOT have to be connected to the AP panel and that since the AP panel's LEVEL button is built in, it works...
  12. Mark P.

    Wiring trim to autopilot?

    Great point airguy-I'll be wiring the trim to the AP!
  13. Mark P.

    D37 Pin 26 Dimmer - does it work?

    I know I don't need the Ray Allen trim indicator, but I installed it because it's old school and I like it LOL. This airplane is WW2 themed so I sort of liked the old looking LED indicator. They had full glass panels back in WW2, right?? I'll have to figure out why the comm and other panels are...
  14. Mark P.

    D37 Pin 26 Dimmer - does it work?

    I'm using the external dimmer module and I have both HDX screen connected to it and it works great to dim the screens. In the HDX D37 harness, pin 26 is the Dim Output white wire. I have the Ray Allen trim indicator and the Garmin 175 GPS connected to the D37 Pin 26 white wire but the external...
  15. Mark P.

    Wiring trim to autopilot?

    Excellent thank you for your response!
  16. Mark P.

    Wiring trim to autopilot?

    Hi all, I see in the Dynon manual it shows the trim motor and trim switch being wired to the autopilot. What is the advantage/disadvantage to this? Do I need to include the elevator trim with the autopilot? If I don't, won't the servo just find a new neutral position to hold the plane level...
  17. Mark P.

    Servo end travel?

    Hope this hasn't been already discussed, I didn't see any info in the search function. Can the end points of travel on the servo be set digitally? For example, I need 1 inch total travel (half inch each side), but I also need to put the pushrod on the outer most hole on the servo arm which gives...
  18. Mark P.

    Transponder Antenna Location Safety?

    The best place to mount the transponder antenna in my airplane is the aircraft skin under the seat. But the installation guide indicates that "all antenna feeders shall be installed in such a way that a minimum of RF energy is radiated inside the aircraft." I don't have a PhD in electronics so...
  19. Mark P.

    AMP Meter RED X

    I have 21 hours on the Dynon system now with no issues until today. Today I noticed a red X over the AMP meter gauge. All circuit breakers/fuses/shunts/wiring all good. Can't find anything wrong.'s the weird thing that I just don't see how it could be related, but just previous to...
  20. Mark P.

    Updating databases over WiFi

    I am still in the building phase so I don't do updates often. So when I turn on my HDX I get warnings that databases are expired. Now I could be mistaken, but I swear that in the past I updated the databases over WiFi. I didn't have to download anything from my computer onto a flashdrive and...