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  1. P

    dual band ADS-B receiver (SV-ADSB-472)

    Hi Roland. I do not think the ADSB 472 receives Flarm. It will receive ADSB traffic and traffic rebroadcast (where ground stations are available) but Flarm is on a different frequency and so you need a separate receiver. The separate receiver can be piped to your SkyView/HDX via a serial...
  2. P

    EMS and EarthX remote sensor wire

    I think the earlier ones (mine) just has a battery fault on or off but the current (sorry) batteries seem to have various timed flashes to indicate differing faults. Page 6 and 28 are worth a look. EarthX Manual
  3. P

    Fuel tank calibration

    I think you'd be wasting your time and money. The brand new RV8 I was involved with had capacitance sensors and we couldn't get those calibrated to any great accuracy. They were replaced with resistive floats and those were no good either. I don't know if it's the tank shape & dihedral but you...
  4. P

    Do not have any touch screen on my Dynon HDX

    Is the problem with the engine running? I ask because when I was setting mine up and running on the battery I found some of the touch functions didn't work (presumably as the battery depleted a bit). With the engine running it was fine and has been so ever since, engine on or off. I would...
  5. P

    ADAHRS Installation - Compass Calibration

    Just what Carl said; Boy Scout compass or iPhone, it just needs the 4 points and you can do that by pushing down on the tail and spinning it round. No need for an airfield compass rose. The air calibration gets it accurate.
  6. P

    3rd party ADS-B in compatibility

    It wouldn't make any difference to your current set up. All it would do is send the ADSB data to your Dynon in addition to what it does now. So, yes, you can get ADSB to your GTN/Pilot app as you do now and have ADSB to your Dynon via the RS232 output of the GTX345 to a serial port on the Dynon...
  7. P

    3rd party ADS-B in compatibility

    Why not just use on the RS232 outputs on the back of the GTX345 and wire it into a serial port on your Dynon? It will allow you to show traffic. I'm not sure about weather as, with the lacklustre infrastructure we have in the UK, I don't receive that data so can't be sure it would get displayed.
  8. P

    Remote magnetometer

    Being aluminium, something like an RV or Zenith has the advantage of being able to use the built-in magnetometer capabilities of the ADAHRS. In aircraft such as the EuroFOX or Kitfox, with a welded steel fuselage, the built-in magnetometer is terrible and a remote unit is required. It is almost...
  9. P

    Auto pilot panel - helpful for a VFR airplane?

    There's no requirement for the AP panel in order to enable expert mode. I use expert and have no AP panel. I think it would be slightly more convenient, on occasions, to have the AP panel but I'm quite content to use the autopilot without it. I'll normally set the altitude target before takeoff...
  10. P

    AOA calibration warning

    AoA warning works on the Critical Angle of Attack. It doesn't give two hoots where your flaps are. Flaps up, stall at X degrees Critical Angle of Attack, flaps down, stall at the same X degrees Critical Angle of Attack......which just so happens to be a lower IAS. The AoA works on differential...
  11. P

    HDX & Foreflight

    Thank you for your comments, 362PC. I think if we go down the Dynon route then we'll keep it more simple and have just the one HDX display. Doubtful we'll have anything like the ARINC kit, as it'll never be used for IMC approaches etc. It is good to know that Foreflight can be used with Dynon...
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    HDX & Foreflight

    That’s great info, thank you. Have you got the latest update and WI-FI dongle in your HDX? I’m not trying to be a salesman 😁 but just interested if you’re getting the drop outs with an older or newer set up. I’m no expert at all on Dynon WI-FI, as I use it for route transfer from SkyDemon (UK...
  13. P

    HDX & Foreflight

    Hi All, I am in discussion with one of our customers about his avionics fit and the question of whether he goes for Garmin G3 or the Dynon HDX. As he is planning on doing some extended flying throughout Europe and the USA he is minded to equip his iPad with Foreflight instead of the more...
  14. P

    track and heading wander

    Inflight Tuning
  15. P

    3rd Party Oil Temp Sensor

    What was the MGL configuration for the sensor? If it's an active sensor then it shouldn't be too much trouble. Look for the sensor set up in the MGL menu and find out if it says something like 0-5v or 0.5-4.5v. It looks like it has one wire to it but I suspect you've taken one off the top of...
  16. P

    ADS-B Protocol

    It is a good question because the serial ports just give you a lovely option to select something from the drop-down menu, instead of asking you to configure the input/output with a particular protocol. Having said that, the Trig transponder certainly mentions RS232, as does the GPS output from...
  17. P

    PAR200B radio

    It's got the same RS232 Tx/Rx as the TY91, so I would be willing to bet a whole heap of ££££s that it does (despite the really bad exchange rate). Just hook it up to a SkyView serial port and configure as per the TY91.
  18. P

    Fuel tank timer

    How would it know which tanks you've selected? Surely you'd need some sort of electrical contact on the fuel selectors to signal the timer to start counting.
  19. P

    Skyview 1100 Display - Map Scale Knob Partially Inoperative

    When I was 'playing' with my HDX (setting it all up after initial installation) the aircraft battery got a bit low and I lost some of the touch screen functions and, I think, some of the knob functions. There seemed to be some sort of minor 'brown out' that reduced some of the capabilities of...
  20. P

    CAN Fault message Rotax 912iS

    If the backup switch is working okay (which connects EMS earth direct to airframe earth) then it sounds like an earthing problem with your start switch.