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  1. L

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Are you also able to upload flight plans from Foreflight to the Skyview?
  2. L

    AOA calibration warning

    I flew with 16.7 yesterday and did a couple of landings. The issue seem to have been resolved.
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    AOA calibration warning

    I'm having the same issue. I installed V16.6 a week ago and test flew the airplane and everything was fine ( although I didn't do the AOA calibration for different flap settings yet). Yesterday I calibrated the AOA for 0, 10, 20 and 40 degrees but I didn't do the zero pressure IAS calibration...
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    Displaying Speed of Targets on Map

    I understand that but I still like to know if I'm dealing with an aircraft that has similar speeds as mine or if I can easily out run it
  5. L

    Displaying Speed of Targets on Map

    I would love to have that on my HDX. When I see converging traffic on my HDX screen I usually then look at my iPad to get the target's speed so I can decide the best course of action to avoid it.
  6. L

    Red X through Fuel Flow Widget?

    Makes sense. Thanks.
  7. L

    Red X through Fuel Flow Widget?

    Should the fuel flow widget have a red X through it when the fuel flow sensor is disconnected? I removed my red cube this weekend while doing some troubleshooting for low fuel flow indication and when I powered up the HDX the fuel flow widget didn’t have a red X through it. If I disconnect the...
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    Flow transducer zero

    I connected it to pin 13 and I get fuel flow readings.
  9. L

    CO Guardian Configuration

    For those that follow looking for a solution to this problem, the fix that PeterMac provided seems to have worked. The CO value on my Skyview now reads zero when in fresh air as it should. Thanks Peter!
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    CO Guardian Configuration

    Don, have you been able to get to the bottom of this. My plane is flying now and I'd like to display the correct CO value on the Skyview
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    Software Update v16

    After installing v16 tonight I noticed that when on the VP-X page the cursor knob does not work properly. When I turn the knob, the page jumps to the bottom and then it won't move up or down no matter which way I rotate the knob. I'm able to scroll the VP-X page up and down by touching the...
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    Added: CO Guardian support

    Thanks Don. I plugged your X1 and X0 numbers into my sensor file but now the CO widget has a red X through it. I'll wait for your updated file to see if that works.
  13. L

    Added: CO Guardian support

    Hello Dynon Support, I have a question about the CO Guardian sensor definition that's in the most recent EMS software configuration file. I recently installed a 353D-101 and connected it to SV-EMS-220 D37 P31 following the instructions earlier in this thread. I mapped pin 31 to the CO...