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  1. T

    EMS-D10 % power and GPS interface w/ GNS-430W

    Aviation selected on RS-232 Out 2 and moved the wire from the D10 to the appropriate pin, and bingo! Thanks for pointing out the obvious!
  2. T

    EMS-D10 % power and GPS interface w/ GNS-430W

    Went flying this past weekend and checked in the settings while I was at the hangar. It looks like you can indeed set one RS-232 Out to MAPMX and a second RS-232 Out to AVIATION. I didn't have the right combination of time and motivation to re-do the wiring, but I do anticipate this will solve...
  3. T

    EMS-D10 % power and GPS interface w/ GNS-430W

    I was under the impression that the 430W would allow you to configure only one output for GPS. If that's not true, and I can use another out, then problem solved! I'll look into it and report back.
  4. T

    EMS-D10 % power and GPS interface w/ GNS-430W

    That's what I have done, but no luck. As I mentioned, I think the hang-up is that the G5's and EMS-D10 need the GPS data in different formats. I'll try to call Dynon support, but was hoping someone else might be able to point me in the right direction.
  5. T

    EMS-D10 % power and GPS interface w/ GNS-430W

    I have Dual Garmin G5s, GNS-430W, and an EMS-D10. I'm trying to get the EMS-D10 to display % power and the GPS related features like fuel endurance and economy. The 430W only has one RS-232 out for GPS, and the G5s require MAPMX format. It looks like the EMS-D10 requires Aviation or NMEA (EMS...