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  1. M

    Turn off VOR in Map display

    Hello I am still try to declutter class E airspaces on my moving map skyview. Unable to do that with " item map." Pocketfms says that is your job, and you said contrary... Very desappointed Truly François Gahide
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    I am still waiting for Class E declutter OFF available on my Skyview map. Currently the best way for many pilots is to have Dynon 180 and AvMAP. Skyview is not a good way. You have "Map items" Class E declutter OFF and this item is not working at all..... A little bit disappointed! best regards...
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    European OACI Charts, Aerodrome diagram, Approach.

    Indeed, it would be great if Dynon improves French maps, and European. I support this request. I do not think it is very difficult, the data already exist in PocketFMS. Thank you in advance
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    Hello My question is very simple.I must declutter class E in my Skyview.If not, enable to use Skyview map in France with too much Class E. Help me please Thank you
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    Thank you for your reply. Yes that's right. If I toggle the map item "CLASS D AIRSPACE" ON or OFF, it change nothing on the map. If I toggle the map item "CLASS E AIRSPACE" ON or OFF, it change nothing on the map. If I toggle the map item "TMA AIRSPACE" ON : both class D and class E are on...
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    Hello, I come again to ask you about this problem: I would like to decluter class E (and only class E) in my skyview. Into" map items " I put class E on OFF and Class E areas are still on the map. There is something wrong in your software. It's the same way with class D. Either I remove the...
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    I try this afternoon, putting OFF and 50NM on the following items: All the class D and class E airspace near Paris are under TMA item in the skyview MAP ITEMS menu with PocketFMS Database. What I would like is remove class E airspace and leave class D, I think it is no possible. Any idea ?
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    Turn off VOR in Map display

    Hello, I have a problem with declutter. With skyview 5.1 software and PocketFMS database. I cannot turn off CLASS D or CLASS E Airpsace. I try to put OFF face in the menu MAP ITEM, but the airspace remain !! Am I the only one to have this trouble ? Could you help me ... Thankyou
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    Fuel Flow error

    I understand that I could change the K factor. However I do not understand why, with no changes to my installation there is a variation of almost 20%! Have you ever had a similar case?
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    Fuel Flow error

    Hello, I operate VL3 with skyview 1000. After 250 hours my fuel flow is wrong. It indicates 20 liters per hour instead of 17 liters per hour, which is the real consumption. I never change the K factor witch is still 68000. I checked all the fuel circuit, all is ok. I don’t understand...
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    Floscan problem

    I found the problem. These air bubbles!! I put the output of the FF to a can, put the electric pump, I tap the FF, and since it works! Already 7 hours of flight and no more problem. Thank you anyway...
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    Floscan problem

    Hello, I have a problem with the fuel flow (D180 and FloScan). It worked perfectly for 150 Hours. During the last flight, he began to read 0, by intermittently, then more, then 0 all the time. The electrical circuit seems in good condition, is there a way to test (a value measured at the output...
  13. M

    Fuel Remaining

    Thank you Dynon, I change the oil pressure name to OIL and the FUEL REM is working well !! The installation of the skyview was made by the aircraft manufacturer,and maybe he change this name... Everything is ok for the moment !
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    Fuel Remaining

    Hello, In my case I run only one screen. The engine is a Rotax 912 ULS. The pin mapping for fuel flow is pin 14, the default pin. I send you the config file via email. I'll check tomorrow the oil pressure name. thanks
  15. M

    Fuel Remaining

    Concerning the layout, I do my own and insert via INFO the LTRS USED and LTRS REM on the main page. I can see those information all the time. Then during a flight The LTRS USED value increase normally, TIME REM value is ok , but the LTRS REM value didn't change !!! I confirm I try different...
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    Fuel Remaining

    The oil pressure and tacho are working well. I forgot to tell you the item LTRS USED is working correctly, but LTRS REM don't change !!! I try to change the name of the sensor fuel flow to MAIN (previously it was FUEL_F in the menu SENSOR INPUT MAPPING) and try to change uniy to gallon but...
  17. M

    Fuel Remaining

    Hello, I have a problem with the fuel remaining on the 2.5 release. The fuel flow indicate a correct value. I set 90 L in the fuel remaining but it doesn't decrease, after a flight, the value is still 90 L !! Do you have an idea ??
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    Fuel Guage w/o Fuel Sensors

    Thank you for answering. Unfortunatly the D180 size is the maximum size for an efis in my plane (Pulsar)....
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    Fuel Guage w/o Fuel Sensors

    Hello Dynon, Will it be possible in a new firmware to put the fuel computer remaining value instead of a blank space on the EMS page (I dont have the fuel probe) ??
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    Internal EMS data log

    Hello Bertrand, Here is the answer to your problem : I'll explain in French for Bertrand: " Le probleme vient de Dynon et du jeu de caractères américain. Chez eux ils séparent les champs d'un *.csv avec une virgule et les...