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  1. C

    'ADS-B STATUS' in settings is grayed out

    None of the above has to do with Dynon ADSB in - which in your case is not configured
  2. C

    Add Dynon Comm with existing GTN650?

    You cannot control 2 radios through the display and you cannot control the Garmin through the com panel. You can control the gps/nav through the display, but not through the com panel (the com panel gets wired directly to the radio via a serial
  3. C

    ADS-B in Dynon vs. Avidyne

    I wouldn’t worry about the 540 but do get the WiFi dongles for the Dynon. The 540 now supports ADSB over WiFi with SOME devices (the Dynon and the Sentry don’t work for example because they are the extended ADSB data) but I have to believe at some point Avidyne will update this. Either way...
  4. C

    Compass Calibration: Looking for Alternate Method

    Where is your magnetometer located? How specifically did you calibrate it?
  5. C

    Compass out of whack

    Sounds like you have an installation problem or have t done the calibration properly.
  6. C

    Aithre C0 detector

    I’m not sure why people are so lost on this and keep calling it a “secret” file. It’s very clearly written in the install notes of the sensor….
  7. C

    How Can I Turn Off The Electrical Current Audio Warning?

    I don’t believe you should not have 7amps negative before 3000 rpm.
  8. C

    New LED COM Display Head

    There’s a setting for that.
  9. C

    Emergency glide test findings

    you’re twisting my words and that isn’t what I said at all.
  10. C

    Emergency glide test findings

    The function of a product is. Especially when it’s patented.
  11. C

    Emergency glide test findings

    The majority of the people at Dynon are in fact pilots I believe. It’s ok if you don’t like a thing, you don’t have to use it. Especially if you don’t want to use it properly. If you want Garmin functionality, and the size and scale of the Garmin team, you should probably just buy a the...
  12. C

    Emergency glide test findings

    It’s called “smart glide” and I believe it was designed to be used after an engine out while…. Gliding. If you are making power and have the ability to still climb, this probably isn’t the feature you want to enable.
  13. C

    7.1 usb bug

    I went to the airport today to do some work on my airplane which included this update. Found the USBs don’t automatically read chart data at boot and my sticks need the old out-in exercise to work 100% of the time after a system boot. @djones I'm almost done getting this radio in, it...
  14. C

    Backup Battery not holding charge?

    The battery can go bad that fast. I’m just over at bracket and think I have a spare if you want to try it. 5 years for these is pretty good.
  15. C

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Even though it connects ADSB data doesn’t transfer as the ifd doesnt accept any of the extended protocols. This is a them problem I’ve discussed with them. The sentry is not compatible format either. It’s lame. Also their auto flight plan update does not work with ForeFlight. Avidyne has a...
  16. C

    What is the better IFR navigator to interface with Dynon HDX?

    I had wired mine to an extra serial when I did my panel specifically for this purpose but was under the impression it didn’t work. Just tried it using one of the Garmin radio (a/b) serial devices and got it to work. Awesome. Now I have a feature request. I’d like to be able to assign the...
  17. C

    Testing Harness

    I’m confused what exactly it is you are trying to test and what you have done. What exactly is the issue you are troubleshooting?
  18. C

    Help with software update

    Update the other display
  19. C

    Dynon Avionics Shop

    …and did it show up on the network at all? How long did it work before it stopped working?