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  1. Dirk

    AOA alert down to 20 KTS.

    My freshly repaired D10A beeps the audio alert of the AOA all the time, from touchdown right down to pedestrian speed. It did not behave like that before repair. I set the minimum speed to 40KTS as before, but it beeps all the way down to parking position. I set it to start at top yellow, and it...
  2. Dirk

    Tumbling Horizon

    This from my thead, if you missed it: ------------------------------------------- Today the EFIS D10A came back from repair and I was eager to install it. At first I threw the backup battery in, powered it up, and all was fine, correct stable altitude, no tumbling horizon, just ok. I installed...
  3. Dirk

    Tumbling horizon+changing altitude

    Today the EFIS D10A came back from repair and I was eager to install it. At first I threw the backup battery in, powered it up, and all was fine, correct stable altitude, no tumbling horizon, just ok. I installed it in my RV, powerde it up, and: Tumbling horizon, altimeter 80 feet off, just as...
  4. Dirk

    Tumbling horizon+changing altitude

    I what timespan do I have to send it back? I made the upgrade to the D10A via the german distributor, and can live with the bugs til the end of season, but would it be fixed under warranty by than, or should I put it in the mail this week? The goaround has been 8 weeks and I'm eager to fly this...
  5. Dirk

    Tumbling horizon+changing altitude

    Today I made this to be shure there is no clogged static line: I unscrew the static line from the instrument and fired it up. The altitude starts reading 330 feet at first and comes down to 290 feet after 5 minutes (engine off, in my hangar), but it should show 250, that is what is showed...
  6. Dirk

    Tumbling horizon+changing altitude

    I made an upgrade from EFIS D10 to D10A and reinstalled the unit. The instrument behaves a little odd since then. The first thing is: Every now and then at runup the horizon tumbles anround, the heading is off by 100+ degrees and the turn rate indicator shows full left deflection. After 5...
  7. Dirk

    Radio interference dongle needed after upgrading?

    I had some problems with radio interferences (Becker COM) when I first operated my Dynon EFIS D10, and Dynon sold me a little 90°dongle, and the problem was solved. Now I'm upgrading to the D10-A version. Does anyone know if I will still need the dongle, or is that problem fixed internally by...
  8. Dirk

    AOA alert via DSAB from EFIS to EMS?

    Today I made the decision to upgrade my EFIS D10 to the -A version. The -A will give audio alerts for AOA, so here is my question: Will it alert me through the already exsiting audio-out of my EMS, if I use the DSAB, or do I have to run a seperate wire from the EFIS to my radio? The GPS signal...
  9. Dirk

    Remote compass lost with EFIS D10

    I run a EFIS D10 (not -A) with the remote compass module. The units does not find that module. Whenever I try to read out data or try to load up an configuration, there comes a message :Remote compass not detected. One week ago after uploading the new firmware 01.13.00 it worked, so I calibrated...
  10. Dirk

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    Eureka! I set the country settings on my laptop to "USA", and bingo, everything arranged nicely. Thanks alot!!! Hey, Dynon-guys, can you change the interruptions to ;, so the poor german (maybe others??) will be able to use the backup data immediately? ;) Cheers from Germany, Dirk
  11. Dirk

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    ...well, after I recieved the first set of current data from my EMS today it shows up that if I change the csv-files as Werner suggested they are arranged in colums. So far, so good. But some of the datas seem to have split numbers i.e. 1.987 , so the sheet puts the 1 in a colum and the 987 into...
  12. Dirk

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    Hey Werner, thanks a lot, now it's readable for the ordinary Hun ;D Cheers from Germany!
  13. Dirk

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    ...well, when I open the file with Excel it looks like the attached file. Anything wrong with my Excel-settings? :-/ Thank you.
  14. Dirk

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    Hi there! I read out the EMS internal log today and'm trying to understand the colums of numbers shown when I open the .csv-data with MS excel. I read the help files of the Dynon support program but....Is there a program or excel-sheet that puts the mass of numbers into a readable form? One row...