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  1. P

    Replace VDO fuel pressure sensor

    Very high pressure readings on EMSD120 so advised to change to new Kavilco type. Do I need to download anything as well as a small rewiring? PG
  2. P

    Uploading Check Lists

    Thanks Dave, now I see what happens. If you don't click on the 'Page title' box the program thinks you are trying to edit the title only, so anyhting you do inside the page itself is ignored. Tricky - but well spotted! Peter
  3. P

    Uploading Check Lists

    Without the Dynon connected to the laptop, program opened Chose product - <EFIS D100> Chose Action - <Configure Checklist/Data panels> Would you like to retrieve checklists stored on the intsrument? <No> Then enters data list pages, but if I select one of my checklists, I can move the...
  4. P

    Uploading Check Lists

    I'm trying to create some check lists on my laptop. I find that once created, I can't edit any part of the checklists, is this normal? If so, is there a way around, please? Peter