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  1. GalinHdz

    WTB Classic D700

    Looking to buy a classic D700 display for an existing single display panel. I will fly to your location in the US (within reason) personally pick up the display and pay cash once I confirm the display is in working condition. Will not pay via INTERNET and wait for one to be "shipped" to me. :cool:
  2. GalinHdz

    Panel Planning Help Request

    Have you tried working those controls with just your left hand to see how natural/un-natural it is for you to do, especially under some "stressful situation you might encounter while flying? 🤔 If it feels comfortable, then you next decision is aesthetics. ;)
  3. GalinHdz

    Panel Planning Help Request

    My recommendation after building many panels: 1 - Make a cheap wood/cardboard panel the exact size of the one you will install. 2 - Print out full size images of all the equipment you will install, even future equipment. 3 - Tape the images to the cheap wood panel where you think they should...
  4. GalinHdz

    Sensor MAP

    Una forma facil es verificar, mientras el motor esta apagado, es que la lectura del MAP es igual al la presion barometica. Si es igual, entonces el sensor esta funcionando bien. Si con diferentes presiones barometricas el sensor de MAP demuestra corecto (la misma presion con el motor apagado)...
  5. GalinHdz

    Own Ship Being Called Out As Traffic

    You actually proved the OP's post that it is a system issue not an equipment issue. Not all ground stations receive and process a perfect signal every time and when that happens then "garbage in, garbage out" applies. FWIW I have had the same issue with STRATUX, STRATUS and other ADS-B...
  6. GalinHdz

    Replacement EGT probe reading 60+ degrees higher.

    FWIW, I have found that those pre-crimped blade connectors are the cause of the vast majority of issues with both EGT and CHT probes. I cut them off and made the connection using wire overlap connectors ( ) which has...
  7. GalinHdz

    Bank indicator reading opposite of turn

    I assume you are talking about the yellow arrow/triangle. The yellow one is the airplane bank while the blue ones show standard bank angles. When I first flew with Skyview, I confused the two.
  8. GalinHdz

    Plead Tach reading on new EMS install

    Is your EMS set to receive 1 pulse per revolution or 2 pulses per revolution from the Mags? If set wrong then your tach will read wrong.
  9. GalinHdz

    EMS Carb temp ranges

    FWIW my settings, in degrees Fahrenheit are: 0 - 35 = RED 36 - 45 = YELLOW 46 - 130 = GREEN 131 - 140 = YELLOW 141 - 150 = RED My theory is the colors and alarms are there to let me know to do something BEFORE it becomes a problem, not to tell me that a problem has already happened. YMMV
  10. GalinHdz


    Same exact post and photos are on "Beechtalk" and "VansAF" and have been identified in both places as possible scam. Caveat Emptor!!
  11. GalinHdz

    Shunt Location

    My setup is similar to yours, as you can see on my diagram. One shunt shows battery charge/discharge while the other (CS-02, 50A Hall Effect Sensor) shows the rest of the electrical load. If you add the values, you get total load on the alternator. Just like your setup, starter current doesn't...
  12. GalinHdz

    Tachometer connections to Emag and EMS pins

    You are correct. But if that one tach output fails at the Emag, then you have no RPM indication on the SkyView. A bad thing if you are flying when it happens, especially if IFR. If you connect both, and one fails, SkyView will automatically switch to the other and you still have RPM indications...
  13. GalinHdz

    Shunt Location

    FWIW I have my shunt between the master relay and the alternator, like Raymo. This is basically the same "electrically" as between the battery and the master relay. The reason I did it this way is to remove battery power from the shunt when the master switch is off. Just a little bit safer. I...
  14. GalinHdz

    Tachometer connections to Emag and EMS pins

    That is exactly how I have mine connected, pins 32 & 33 on the EMS plug. I also attached a ground from each Emag to both the engine case and to EMS ground. I used pin 30 in my installation for this. I found by doing this, and installing a 5v Zener diode between Emag pins 1 & 6, RPM's displayed...
  15. GalinHdz

    B/U battery not charging

    Swap the batteries between the displays, fly and see what happens. If the "bad" battery charges from the other display then the problem is with the original display. I found the plug at the wire from one display to the battery was bad causing the battery to not charge.
  16. GalinHdz

    Fuel tank timer

    The Skyview "Switch Tank" feature is only to advise when you have consumed a specific amount of fuel during the flight you are currently in which helps you decide how to balance your tanks during that flight and that flight only. It is considerably more accurate than using a clock/timer to do...
  17. GalinHdz

    Fuel tank timer

    For safety of flight that is exactly what it was designed for and what it does very well; to accurately calculate fuel used during the flight. It is NOT designed to "maintain the integrity of the math across engine starts" nor to "use it to balance my tanks". System are to be used within their...
  18. GalinHdz

    Fuel tank timer

    Yes the alarm resets after every engine shutdown, but that is exactly what you want. Fuel consumed during the flight you are conducting. Your fuel remaining indication will show how much total fuel you have since it subtract the fuel consumed during that flight from the fuel amount at engine...
  19. GalinHdz

    Fuel tank timer

    If you have fuel flow, then set an alarm for every X amount of gallons used. Since fuel burn depends on condition of flight (during the same amount of time a full power climb burns a lot more fuel than a low power descent) this is significantly more accurate. I set my alarm for every 5gallons...
  20. GalinHdz

    Keying mic affecting cht’s

    This was my experience when I had the same issue but again, it was a few years ago.