
  1. A

    Need HS34

    Want to pair a Dynon D100 with a GPS175 but from what i've read a HS34 is required for that to work! Don't really understand why they discontinued the HS34 so I am wondering if anybody on here has one they are willing to part with. Thanks,
  2. GeoffSRV7A

    WTB HS34 module and harness

    Any have one for sale or maybe future plans on a panel upgrade ? Many thanks !
  3. H

    HS34 ARINC 429 Labels

    Hi, I have a D10A and an HS34 in my experimental. Works great using the two serial channels. One accepts input from an IFly GPS and the other is bidirectional and connected to a VAL429 VOR/ILS receiver. I am adding a Garmin 300XL GPS using the ARINC 429 capability of the HS34. The HS34 receives...
  4. P

    HS34 works on ground but not after takeoff

    Background: SportCruiser, D100, D120, HS34, AP74 - all used to work. HS34 works fine on ground, e.g. can change barometer/alt, change active nav source etc. But all fails as soon as takeoff. Happens on every flight. Any ideas?
  5. D

    HS34->ARINC->430W not showing OBS

    I have 2 D10As, DSAB, HS34 connected to a 430W with the ARINC connections (HS34 pins 23, 11, 25, 13 into GNS430W pins 46, 47, 48, 49). The 430W is sending good CDI indications to the D10A, but the OBS indication from the HS34 is not getting back to the 430W. The "Instrument Panel Self-Test"...
  6. B

    Interfacing HS34 TruTrak V385 and GNC420W

    My RV7A currently has the Dynon D100/120, TruTrak Vizion 385 Autopilot, and Garmin 296 GPSMAP (feeds Dynon and TruTrak via Serial interface). I’m adding the Dynon HS34 and Garmin GNC 420W (GPSW and Comm only). Plan is to Run ARINC 429 from GNC 420W to both V385 Autopilot and Dynon HS34. I...