Altitude adjustment on D-10A


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I thought the Dynon EFIS units took the barometric elevation at shutdown into memory so that when the unit is powered back up it adjusts the Kolsman value so the baro would match what it was. My D-10A is always about 100' high on startup. Is there a way to adjust it so it will do this correctly? Is the procedure the same on the Skyview?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, make sure that it's actually turned on. It's a toggleable option. Also, it gets it close, but not always perfect. Things that can influence that include the altitude calibration of your particular EFIS. Note that when toggled on, it auto sets the baro on initial boot, and then again after the 30 second warmup when altitude appears, as long as you haven't manually adjusted baro in the interim.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
First, make sure that it's actually turned on. It's a toggleable option. Also, it gets it close, but not always perfect. Things that can influence that include the altitude calibration of your particular EFIS. Note that when toggled on, it auto sets the baro on initial boot, and then again after the 30 second warmup when altitude appears, as long as you haven't manually adjusted baro in the interim.

It is selected on in the menu. Mind you, the D10A is a stand alone in this aircraft. There are no other Dynon products. The only interaction is the Garmin 396 serial input and the output to a Tru Trac autopilot. How might I change the altitude calibration of the EFIS?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So first, do the following. Turn on the D10A. Let it sit for 15=30 minutes. Check baro on ATIS/ASOS. Set the D10A. Does the displayed altitude match the field elevation? If not, go to SETUP>ALTADJ and tweak it until it does. If the field elevation is what the unit is displaying after baro is set, don't touch the setting.

Beyond that, there isn't anything further that you can do in the field. Unit's do vary a bit in their warm-up characteristics, but sending your unit back through our calibration process here may improve the boot up behavior. If you want to go that route, give our tech support a call. Mention this forum thread if you do.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I will try that today. I did adjust this setting thinking it was a bias to get the first on setting correct. I will run this against a certified altimeter to insure it is correct and not expect it to come up exactly correct. I do not think factory calibration will be necessary but will follow up if necessary. Thanks!