Another Display Config Suggestion


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
Given that the FilghtDEK 180 lends itself to being the only piece of "glass" necessary in light duty cockpits, I would like to sumbit the following for consideration:

After reading some through other discussions on DG/HSI screen overlays on the PFD, would it be possible in the future to have the screen be configured for "split thirds"? That is, 1/3 of the screen is PFD, 1/3 is EMS, and 1/3 is DG/HSI.

My panel goals is to have a Filght DEK 180, 2" round backups (ASI,ALT,AI), an XCOM Radio and Microair XPNDR. Future upgrade calls for a NAV radio.

A "split thirds" screen would allow me to fly IFR without having to lose attitude, engine or nav information in any phase of the flight, without having to add additional instruments (and weight). I'm sort of a big guy and i am building a LSA-type airplane, so im trying to fight weight gain in the airplane (and in myself).

Since your PFD,HSI and EMS already have 1/3 screen configuration capability, how difficult would it be to add display code to have all three on the screen side by side?

Thanks for listening to me "think out loud".
