Any Rag & Tube Installations?


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
Has anyone mounted one of the SV's in a rag & tube airframe yet?  If so, how'd it work and do you have any error that cannot be calibrated out?  I really would like to put one in my Bearhawk but cannot meet the mounting location requirements of the ADAHRS because it has the integrated magnatometer.  

I know the installation instructions say the you should be able to calibrate the instrument to account for stationary ferrous objects (i.e. fuselage tubing, etc.) but "should" is not something I want to experiment with.

It would be nice if Dynon would offer a remote magnatometer on these like they do the D100 and the other manufacturers do.  I had a D100 in a Kitfox (rag & tube) and it worked like a champ with the magnotometer mounted in the wingtip.  I realize RV's are the vast majority of the market but it would be nice if they would support the non composite and non aluminum aircraft builders.  


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
South Africa
I have just completed and flown a Kitfox 7 with the SV. The installation was a problem with the magnetometer inside the ADHRS, it would have been much simpler with the magnetometer in the wingtip. After much testing with a hand help compass I found the area in the fuselage behind the baggage compartment gave the least problems although far from perfect. The compass calibration went OK although I had to do it 3 times to get rid of errors. I would suggest that you look for an area in the fuselage in front of the empenage away from any moving metal rods etc and make an aluminum tray.

In flight the SV behaves perfectly and am very impressed with it's potential, but disappointed with the lack of functionality in many areas at this stage.